[quote=@The Nexerus] Preliminary numbers portend that Trump performed better among immigrant and minority communities than any other Republican leader in my lifetime. If that is the case, the "whitelash" narrative is objectively and unequivocally incorrect. [/quote] Absolutely. The guys protesting on the coasts don't seem to understand what happened. Hell, the Alt-Right doesn't seem to understand what happened. They all tried to turn this election into a battlefield of the culture wars, but the culture wars are over and the average American has never heard of an "SJW" and doesn't care about what is being said on Tumblr. At the end of the day, this thing came down to the oldest political driver in the book: Jobs. They party of the working man abandoned the working man, and they got their ass kicked for it. [quote=@Dinh AaronMk] How would an army fight if the army isn't allowed to have guns? [rimshot] [/quote] I bet you there is at least one crazy old man in Nevada with enough guns and ammo to arm the entire west coast.