[quote=@Didgeridont] It is clear that the civilization we are a part of is currently in a state of cultural decline. We are too eager to cast away the values that we once had in favor of newfangled ways of seeing the world. This is exacerbated by the fact that, due to the inundation of America with unsavory characters, we are a nation that is at odds with itself in terms of demographics. The white man has different values than the black man, and the red man, and the yellow man, and the pink man, etc. Instead of trying to understand our differences and promote diverse connections between each other, we have smashed ourselves together and tried to work with the aftermath of the collision. [/quote] We've always done that though. You could take this argument and transpose it into the world of 1850's politics and, honestly, it would fit perfectly. Swap the Irish for the Mexicans and Papacy for moral degeneracy and wham bam, you've traveled into the past 150 years. And we didn't smash ourselves together. You make it sound like the United States was some weird international particle collider experiment done from the very beginning as a purposeful attempt at multiculturalism, when reality is way more chaotic. Some people immigrated here on their own volition, others came here as refugees. Others didn't have a choice; they where either assimilated by conquest, or in the case of the black man, stolen from their rightful home. And this is history. This is how it has always worked in the entire world in every nation for all time. People move, borders shift, cultures change. You can't really draw a line around a group of people and say "This is a culture" because as soon as you do, it makes connections outside of the line, or it changes from within. To attempt to freeze a culture is absolutely futile.