[color=fuchsia]Azulia Ellison[/color], [color=#FFDAB9]Killian Jones[/color], [color=salmon]Oscar[/color] Collab between [@Luna], [@Vietmyke], and myself Azulia blushed at the mention of her name being unique. It was the first time someone has actually said that to her. She leaned back on her seat more, moving it to where she was laying down at an angle, her back cracked a bit making her groan a bit in pain. [color=fushia]”Are we almost there”[/color] [color=FFDAB9]” Just one more turn. Charles isn't home right now from what my friend told me. I'll text him when we arrive. If you're too tired you can sleep in my room.”[/color] his eyes focused on the road. He turned a fina right, noting the robot walking out of the house, as a groan worked inside his chest.[color=FFDAB9]”Great. Now that Oscar has destroyed the door completely I'll start deigning my tombstone.”[/color] Killian grumbled underneath his breath. The house was supposed to be the exact way that it was left in and now...well now they would soon feel The professor’s wraith. The man worked the car into the driveway and shut it down completely before opening his door. He walked over to Azula's side and opened it. The guy waited until the woman had gotten out before closing the entrance. A frown formed on his lips and he walked towards the house to inspect the damage. This wasn't good. The teacher needed to either replace or remount the object to its frame, which from one angle looked cracked. Azulia got out and yawned more, staggering a bit. Her tired mind had to force her to remember to grab her bags from the car and she slowly made her way to house, not paying attention to the other person at her new home. She walked past the broken door and sat down inside leaning against the wall. Damn jet lag, this was a pain in the ass to fight against plus with the lack of sleep she had during the week was a concoction from hell. Oscar waved in a near careless manner, Killian had arrived with a person that Oscar had never seen before. A quick scan of her face revealed that she had never been introduced to him. She was a short blonde, smaller in stature than Oscar by far. She seemed tired, and unsteady, ultimately ignoring Oscar as she entered the home. He looked at her and cocked his head. [color=salmon]“Might I suggest some food, miss? You seem unwell. Carbohydrates will help bring your body back to proper operational capacity.”[/color] He chirped helpfully, his voice a bright tenor pitch, with a slight tinny sound. It appeared that he was ignored. Whichever the case, his attention quickly turned to Killian as the young man entered the house. The man’s eyebrow lower and as a frown worked upon his face. Charles wasn't home still, a big old neon sign that something was, what could have meant anything from the guy visiting an old friend, to him bleeding out on some back road where no one could help. Not adding to the fact that the home had always felt like an empty space waiting to be filled without the teacher there. Then again it could have just been Killian. He walked inside the entrance hallway, noting small droplets of blood going towards the living room, then back towards the teacher’s bedroom, Oscar following closely behind him the entire way. A sickening feel flooded his stomach.[color=#FFDAB9][i]” Calm down. There has to be a logical explanation here. There are no mutts so it's not likely someone broke inside. Though whatever happened inside the home was within an hour.”[/i][/color] the man’s eyes turned towards Oscar.[color=#FFDAB9]” Alright let's go back to the car. Oscar I would like to speak to you privately.”[/color] he said in a whisper. Azulia nodded her head and exited back out of the house, annoyance filling her that her guardian was not at his home. She grumbled and got back into the car, waiting for Killian to get in the car. She wondered what they had to stay behind and talk about, but she figured it was none of her business, so she wouldn't shove her nose into it. He pulled Oscar to the side, while looking back towards Azulia once in awhile, while the other student gave his report. The house was empty, and as far as Oscar could tell- suspiciously so. There were no signs of the house being lived in, nor the golems that Charles’ commonly kept around. Whoever or whatever was inside the the home was long gone it seemed. This was good news but the worry was still placed on his features. The man would have asked another question but decided against it as his phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pants pocket and flicked the screen to the right. Instantly Charles’ message filled the screen. [color=FFDAB9]” Twilight Spirit? Alright then we have our heading.”[/color] he said while texting the teacher that they were on their way. The two men walked towards the car and got inside. Killian looked at the woman in the back and gave an attempted warm smile.[color=#FFDAB9]” Why don't you try to get a nap in. That way when we arrive where Charles is you can address this with a semi clear mind.”[/color] Azulia glanced at him. [color=fuchsia]”I don't want to sleep until I see the letter”[/color] stubbornly saying this, she sat back against her seat, arms crossed. She had let her hair down from the half braid she had, the blonde locks looking a bit bouncy as a result. [color=fuschia]”As soon as I see the letter, I will have peace of mind finally and I could sleep”[/color] She dropped her head down towards her lap, her voice getting softer with each word. [color=salmon]“I believe Killian is implying that their may be danger related to Charles’ current status. Being well rested ensures that the brain is able to react and respond efficiently to outside stimuli.”[/color] Oscar replied as he sat in the shotgun seat of the car- Killian’s vehicle sagging a bit as Oscar’s weight pressed down on it. Pulling off his backpack and placing it between his feet, Oscar looked at Killian. [color=salmon]”Do you believe Charles is in danger?”[/color] [color=#FFDAB9]”Fine. Why are girls so stubborn?” [/color]Killian mumbled to himself as the car started. His attention turned towards Oscar, as his head slowly nodded with each word, before speaking.[color=#FFDAB9]”That's exactly what I think. Though I'm not sure of who’s blood was on the floor. Since the mutts aren't there we can assume that something happened inside that house.”[/color] the man said working the problem out loud. There had to be a logical explanation for the nearly nonexistent mess. The only person with all the answers right now was in Twilight Spirit though his condition was unknown. The guy placed the car into gear, backed out, and started towards town. With everything on all of their minds the ride would have probably felt short or at least that's how it felt to him as they pulled up to the shop’s entrance.