[center] Clara wasn't necessarily sure what she could expect. And yet she had hoped for a more solidified answer than what he had offered her. His own doubt had unsettled her - left her feeling worse in the wake of her own question than she thought she would. He had not reached out and comforted her as she had hoped. Instead, she had curled within herself even as he spoke to her, not offering her words of reassurance entirely, but words that had still made her doubt him and the situation at hand. Could she trust him again? Clara wasn't so sure... She needed time to think and she needed time to breathe. Clara had wanted it all to go away; had wanted the memory of what she had given into the night before to simply fade away, but it wasn't always that easy. Was it? She had slept with him, or at least a part of him in more ways than one... And yet there was nothing more to say past his admittance and apology that could make her feel better.. At least not at that moment. She had been curled within herself. Her legs close to her form as her arms hugged herself in a way to keep him out, no matter how much she might have needed him then.,. It didn't matter. She had sniffles n the comfort of her own embrace, wanting to scoff at his words, but keeping quiet none the less. The itch to find a vice to satisfy the ache shebfely within her was terribly strong as she say there, her world already spinning as she was slowly registering everything he had told her. Clara did not say anything further to Jaden, instead she had wiped away the tears that might have been there before she decided to push herself up. If he could not comfort her, she would find something or someone who could... "Fuck it.... I'll be in my room..." Clara murmured before wiping at her eyes with the back of her arm before he could notice. Her voice held all of the frustration she felt, laced with something else. Was it disappointment? Perhaps...Would she leave? Probably not... She couldnt stand the idea of a life alone, even if it meant dealing with Jadens baggage from time to time... She owed him the world regardless of the truth that hung between them... She owed him her life. Even still, she couldn't help the pain and ache that continued to surge through her as she suddenly uncurled herself and stood, cautious to meet his gaze before she turned from him. She would go to her room, yes, but not before leaving the study and heading straight for the kitchen. She had pulled out a bottle of white wine and fought with the cork before she was able to pour it, downing the liquid before she poured it again. The glass was held in one hand, the bottle in another before she headed to her room. Fuck... Things were entirely screwed up, and she wanted it all to go away. No, she needed it all to go away; for Jaden to tell her it would be alright.., for her to be able to curl up within herself and sleep without a care in the world. Instead, she slipped in her bed with her glass, sliding the open bottle to her end table. Maybe if she started drinking now... She wouldn't feel it come the afternoon... [/center]