Mattien glanced up from his tea. "I figured this was a good way to make money. Plus, I needed a real adventure. This... thing we're looking for, it sounds like a true Prize. The kind of Prize hidden behind a thousand traps and devilish magic. Just what I enjoy. A reason to fight." Evelyn chimed in. "Not just traps and magic, I'm hoping an army of the dead resides with the stone. There are ways of directing that kind of power to your desires. But!" She paused a moment. "Don't let that scare you. I wanted the best of the best for a reason." Polaris suddenly appeared between Evelyn and Wrensthav, her brilliant blue eyes beaming with excitement towards the elf. "Really! Guardians of dead hoarding an object must mean we are really dealing with a serious dungeon architect! Oh, I hope we don't have to travel too long on safe roads before we get to our destination!" Wrensthav pushed his overly eager companion aside. "I was under the impression that you were more interested in your duel with Evelyn than our quest." "Well, that was until she mentioned an army of animated corpses, Wrens. Animated! Corpses!" Polaris could hardly contain herself, several small pillars of jumbled pieces of iron sand from the dirt around them started to form around her into a compass rose formation. The last time Wrensthav had seen her this excited was when he came back to retrieve her after being gone for several centuries. Except she raised an entirely new world wonder from that burst of emotion and power. Evelyn blinked, a slight smile playing at her lips. Polaris was something she didn't quite understand. Maybe she'd ask Wrensthav later. "Now, now. It's merely a rumour. To see it ourselves might be an entirely differently picture. But whatever it is, it's going to be otherworldly, I promise you." Having finished with tea, Evelyn disbanded the magic within the cups and had it blink out of existence. Her silver eyes appraised Polaris. "I wonder if you're as enthusiastic with your actions. Ready to face me?" Mattien ruefully grinned, fidgeting with an edge of his mace. "This should be good." Polaris gleefully hopped up to the open area bouncing on the balls of her feet while holding her still sheathed sword behind her back. Like Wrensthav the environment seemed very attuned to her but this time it was the ground instead of the air. A strange pressure ebbed and flowed from her through the ground. Making the ground feel as if it had its own faint heartbeat. She waited until Evelyn got situated. "I hope to not disappoint you, but I fight in a very different manner than the men or you do. So Pretty-Elf Lady, shall we have this dance?" [i][sub]Written in collaboration with [@WrensthavAviovus][/sub][/i]