Polaris and Wrensthav lugged Mattien to his room and unceremoniously tossed him onto the mattress in his room that complained of the new sudden weight. After apologising to Roselyn about their party member and helping clean up a bit they headed to their own room. "Did you enjoy your time playing no stage?" Wrensthav asked, taking off his trenchcoat and belts. "Depends, did you enjoy your alone time with the Pretty Elf-lady?" Polaris retorted back. "I was hoping you were too distracted to notice our absence." "You know I look for you all the time." She grumbled. she changed into a lighter dress before heading to their bed. "So I take it you are not so upset as to dissipate your form?" "Get over here and keep me warm Ancient Sleeper." She replied a grin on her face and a flirtatious tone in her voice. To be honest, Evelyn didn't get much sleep that night. Not that elves need a lot of sleep, but it wasn't a pleasant night regardless. She rested in bed, eyes studying the dark ceiling. Her discussion with Wrensthav began to sink in as she attempted to understand the implications of his 'profession'. "He seeks relics." She murmured. "He has contracts. He takes them to be fixed and returned to the earth." She rolled over, reaching a hand up to push the shutters open a crack. Cool air wisped along her fingertips. "I'm on an expedition. We seek a magic relic." Her brows furrowed and a frustrated crinkle formed along her lips. "Was it... was it by chance he joined the expedition? Why would he need companions? Does he mean to take the relic once we obtain it?" She slammed the shutters shut, stiffly getting out of bed to pace the room. For the next several hours she paced and muttered, but eventually came to the conclusion she needed him more than she could risk removing a potential threat to her success. She would put a pin in this thought until they got closer to Rubylust. As the sun drew a blush in the sky, Evelyn washed down with a sponge, used magic to remove tangles and grease from her hair, and changed back into her travelling mage robes. She packed her bags and headed downstairs, meeting Roselyn in the hall for breakfast. With a cheese quarter and bread roll to dine on, Evelyn asked Roselyn a quick request. "Could I buy some extra food for provisions?" Mattien snoozed softly in his bedroom, having little to no memory of the night before. He didn't recall having gone overboard with the alcohol, or the singing. His mace, idly resting against the wall hummed and vibrated. It knew the day was starting. "...." Mattien snorted, rolling to wave off the mace. "Let me sleep, I'm just so... Zzz..." The mace suddenly jumped, stamping its spikes into the wooden floor, sending splinters across the room. Mattien's eyes flew open. "Okay, okay!" He joined Evelyn downstairs shortly after, helping himself to a heaping breakfast. Polaris awoke when she heard a thundering noise come from Mattien room along with a hint of divine power.   Sitting up with a groan followed by some stretching and a yawn, Polaris checked the barriers she had set up along the room.  As always, Roselyn kept a watchful eye and a firm grip on her staff and patrons in her inn so none of the safety measures were disturbed.  Wrensthav was still sound asleep under the covers.  His hair a spiky mess about the pillow and one hand underneath, grasping a dagger no doubt.  So even if a burglar came in they would have to be extremely lucky to miss Wrens' thrown dagger, and even more skilled to leave with their lives after Polaris herself got to them. The collection of items bid her a good morning as she changed into something more suitable for the public. "I'll be back in ten minutes.  You best should be awake or I will have to take additional measures."  Polaris said in a cheerful tone, which got no response from her companion. She looked out their door to see Mattien wolfing down the breakfast spread. "Either that or Strongman will have eaten all the food." Wrens gave an audible grumble and stirred a bit. "Pleasant Morrow, Strong-man, Pretty-elf.  Wrens should be with us soon.  A cooked meal is one of the few ways to peacefully get him roused." said Polaris. Mattien looked up at Polaris, cheeks stuffed with food. He tried mumbling, but nothing coherent came out. Evelyn gave him a disgusted look. "Seriously, Oaf. No one wants to see that." He continued to eat, unfazed. The elf rolled her pale eyes, glancing at Polaris. "You're late. I wanted to be on the road 15 minutes ago. Where's your friend?" She cocked her head. "No wait, don't tell me. He's still sleeping, isn't he?" [hr] Time passed. As Evelyn arranged some final provision packages with Rosalyn, leaving a pouch of coins with her, Wrensthav was able to find time for breakfast. Refreshed and rejuvenated, they moved to continue their journey on the road. For hours they walked, traversing meadow, forest and hill ranges. Taking care to avoid large bodies of moving water, Evelyn led their group through a tight section of woods A crunch of twigs behind them alerted the group to a pack of wolves. They looked hungry but didn't make a move. Sizing them up, Evelyn thought. Using magic like a flash grenade, Evelyn told Mattien and Polaris to drive them off with their weapons. Disoriented and slashed up, the wolves dispersed and retreated quickly. The day turned to dusk, and having not made it to the next town Evelyn decided they should set up camp for the night. In a stony alcove, sheltered by a woodland, they found a flat patch of ground that would suit them. Wrensthav and Mattien began setting camp up, rolling out beds and creating a firepit. Evelyn and Polaris went to collect enough wood to last the night. They finished moving about troublesome rocks that would prove to hamper their sleep and set up the bed mats. Mattienn and Wrensthav also dug a hole for a fire, tossing out the stray pebbles. Finding the hole adequate and searching the area for suitable stones, Wrensthav started up a conversation with the burly party member. "Mattien, I have been wondering this for some time now... How did you come about possessing a possessed weapon?" "This old thing?" Mattien grasped the mace on his back, pulling it free of its straps. He twisted it in his hand, watching the razored edges gleam. "It was years and years ago. I wandered into a cave armed with a limp sword, my eyes on the treasure. After almost getting myself killed many times, I defeated the ghouls within and found this mace on an altar. "The god within it was sick of the cave and demanded my services. How could I refuse?" Mattien chuckled, placing the mace back in its holster. "Not much for patience, or kindness. But without that mace and the being within, I would be dead long ago." Wrensthav Pondered this short tale for a while before continuing the conversation. "Do you have any inquiries about myself or my items?" In a brief pause, Mattien considered telling Wrensthav about all the deeds Ra-Shin had him commit over the years. All of them shameful when you considered it in a certain perspective. Mm, nah. "You?" Mattien snorted. "Well, that's surprising, coming from someone as tight-lipped as yourself, Mr. Mysterious-Traveller-With-Strange- Ass-Gizmos. Like that disc you brought out the other day. I'd never seen anything like it." Wrensthav noticeably grimaced about Mattien's evaluation. True he was often one who did more talking through his fists and blades than through actual conversation. Not that he hadn't tried to dissolve a brawl by talking in the past. Envy or other motives generally disregarded such attempts when people saw a lone traveller who looked genuinely lost and was carrying enough weapons for a small band of warriors. "I regret the actions that followed after, but those circumstances demanded it. I will say that with Polaris and Evelyn in our party I will have very little reason to bring out that item again." Mattien did little to hide his relief. It was a like a weight had been taken off him. "Well, that's good to know." After laying his mace and pack against the alcove wall, Mattien relaxed on his bed mat. "What a day, eh?" [hr] Evelyn shifted the stack of dry branches in her arms. Polaris was ahead of her, prying at a dead tree's thick branches. She watched the struggle patiently. "... Polaris, you might have better luck hacking it with your sword." They had collected nearly enough firewood for half the night. Evelyn considered they would need two trips to get wood as the night progressed. "When we get back, I have a hot meal planned with Rosalyn's provisions. Have you ever tried meat and peas over steamed rice?" Polaris and Evelyn returned with several bundles of dried twigs and branches in tow. Mattien looked relaxed, poking around with the fire pit. Wrensthav, however, looked very tired and frustrated by a pile of pebbles. "I See that the ladies have been more successful at their gathering than we have with the preparation work," Wrensthav grumbled. Evelyn seemed to be holding back some laughter while Polaris moved the majority of the lumber gathered. "I have found out why we have a hard time preparing our fires," Polaris replied sheepishly. "You still can't tell the different between hard woods and green woods?" "Well, you are unable to find head sized rocks for a hearth." After some heated glaring at each other, that seemed to crackle the air between them. The long time companions finally called a truce to their stationary battle. Wrensthav splintered the green wood into kindling while Polaris pulled suitable stones from the surrounding area for the hearth. Evelyn sniffed. "Squabbles like that only take place between married folk." Mattien chuckled. He leaned up against the rock, staring up at a clear night sky. The moon was a sliver, but the stars offered their own light. With the firepit prepared, flint was struck and a fire was lit. Evelyn Conjured a cooking pot and set it hovering over the flames. Rice and water were added first to steam, then meat and peas. Evelyn watched the brew carefully, ensuring nothing burned. Mattien's tummy made an audible growl. He clutched his stomach, grimacing at Wrensthav. "Have you any devices that create edible snacks?" "Quit that, Mattien," Evelyn mumbled. "Dinner needs another 5 minutes." Wrensthav and Polaris also hovered over the pot as the aroma from the soup permeated the alcove. They had to hurry back as both of them nearly got their hair in the actual fire. "Sorry, neither one of us is that much of a cook." "Wrens tends to burn things." Evelyn clicked her tongue. "If there's one skill in life you should have, it's to cook. You need to eat every day, yes?" Mattien shrugged. "With the payload of this job, I'll just buy my meals from now on. Never have to cook again." The elf scowled, but said nothing. She stirred the brew a final time and tapped the wooden spoon on the magical rim. Pulling out several wood bowls, she offered them to the group. "Serve yourself however much you'll eat." Mattien proceeded to take half the pot. Evelyn took his bowl and poured some back, ignoring his puppy-dog eyes. "Wrens sometimes forgets to eat when he is on a particularly tight schedule," Polaris said as she served up Wrensthav's bowl along with her own. "Out of his more frequent travelling partners, there are only two who are known for their cooking. Wrensthav is known to make an extremely airy loaf of bread when he doesn't end up burning it." "Polaris can make a very soothing cup of tea from time to time. Or so I hear. I don't find the appeal of drinking hot leaf juice." Wrensthav said, looking a little disappointed at his bowl. The tall companions set their utensils on their bowls. Wrensthav pointed his to true south and Polaris had hers to magnetic north. They bowed their heads whilst grasping their opposing wrists before reciting a mantra in a foreign tongue. Their accents became more pronounced for this brief period. One reminiscent of a whistling wind and the other a delicate ring of chimes. Wrensthav still looked at his meal in an odd manner which led to a swift elbow to the ribs from Polaris. "Normal people would be thankful to have burnt food absent from their meal." Polaris hissed through her teeth. She let her shoulders fall and snatched a small coal from the fire and tossed it into Wrensthav's bowl. Wrensthav eagerly started to devour his soup. "You should know by now that I am not normal people." "You make it very hard to forget, but I still try to." Polaris finally done tending to her companion partook in the soup. "Oh! This is wonderfully seasoned! What did you add to this when I was preparing the ingredients, Pretty-Elf-Lady?" Evelyn watched Wrensthav and Polaris pray, her mouth a little slack. [i]What language is that? The dialect isn't anything I know.[/i] Her mind skimmed her mnemonic archives. Too delicate to be Dragon, certainly not Elvish. Not any animal language she knew of, or of any spirit. Her lips pursed. Another mystery to add to the growing list, along with the 'Wrensthav Enigma'. The sizzle of a hot coal drew her attention to Wrensthav's bowl. An eyebrow arched. "You prefer the taste of charred food?" Polaris tried the brew and gave praise. "What did you add to this when I was preparing the ingredients, Pretty-Elf-Lady?" Evelyn rooted through her bag, procuring a corked phial. She offered it to Polaris. "Take a whiff. It's a tincture made from the lifeblood of certain herbs." A log cracked over the fire. Mattien stoked it absent-mindedly. "Truely wondrous spices in this land. Too bad this one prefers them to be ashed." Polaris lamented. "I do believe that we will be needing some more firewood for the morning cooking. More of that [i]wood[/i] that Polaris put in my soup would be great." Wrensthav said wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "We did appease the correct warden of this territory right? I would be very upset if we ended up handicapped during our next venture." Polaris rolled her eyes and got up. "Looks like it's the ladies doing the heavy lifting again. Strongman, please try to keep Wrensthav from finishing off the rest of the coals before we return." "Also would you mind fetching and blessing some water when you return?" Wrensthav asked before stuffing his face again. Polaris rummaged through her companions weaponry and pulled out a large axe. "Borrowing Shaftly for a spell. Let's get going Pretty-Elf-Lady." [i][sub]Written in collaboration with [@WrensthavAviovus][/sub][/i]