[h3]Yarosmere Mission[/h3] Yolin smiled at Summer. "I deliver penance. I take sinners, traitors, and law breakers and I deliver the atonement they are too afraid to take upon themselves. Some of the rebels call it torture. In reality, it is purification." His eyes tracked E'nasha as she walked towards the shadows, waving the three guards back as they went to stop her. "I must confess, I am surprised at all of your ages. I expected the College to send more..experienced people to this meeting. Tell me, why hasn't the College sent any of their master or expert mages?" Aramir answered, idly watching the others. She felt tense, like the moments before releasing her bow at prey. "The College is very busy. We're the best they have." She turned to look at Yolin, inclining her head. "We apologize if there is any offense." He waved a hand. "None at all! I'm just pleased you're enjoying your meal. It is poor fare, but it is all Sasnar has right now." The man Darius was talking to imperceptibly stiffened as Darius' voice whispered in his ear. He didn't reply, merely bringing his hands up in a prayer. "In the name of the King, I offer my Life. Gaurot favor me." With that, he and half a dozen similar men yanked hidden swords free, charging forward with battle cries. In the same moment, hands appeared from the shadows behind E'nasha and she was yanked into the portal. Chaos erupted as the crowd tried to flee, the guards tried to protect Yolin, and Yolin smiled at it all. The guards went forward to meet the attackers. Strangely, despite the numbers being in their favor the attackers chose to meet the guards one on one, the other three moving quickly towards the College students. [i]Why would they charge men in full armor?[/i] Aramir thought, pulse pounding as she tried to watch the men charging her and the fight between the guards and the attackers. In the next few seconds, she found out why. In a blur of dodging, parrying, and striking, the attackers killed the guards. Swords found gaps in armor, and blood sprayed over the sandy ground. The three attackers approaching them stopped a good distance away, eyeing Yolin warily while talking to the students. "Quickly! You must run! We won't be able to hold him and she can't hold the portal open much longer!" The shadow portal was indeed standing open, waiting for the students to run into it. Yolin stood up, smiling. "I should have known some of you Sand Cobra filth would still be clinging to life." His eyes began to glow with a white light. "I will personally deliver you to your final penance." A wall of earth slammed up between him and the rest of the group, separating Yolin from the students. A mad laughter could be heard behind it. "Mar!" Aramir hissed, pulling on the Naga's arm. Her eyes were wide, and she was shaking, but this would be a perfect chance to make contact with the resistance; And save Mar from being found out. "Take Summer and Baulder with you through the portal. We need to find out as much as we can about this resistance and get you away from here. Summer isn't holding up well and I don't trust Baulder not to do anything stupid in the feast. Darius, El'kan, and I will meet you back at the College with our reports." The next thing she knew the earthen wall behind her was shattered outward, Yolin stepping through the remains. His eyes shone brightly with a white light. "The Sand Gods might flows through me! Flee, rats, or be slain by the divine light!" He moved, almost to fast to perceive, and crashed into one of the Sand Cobras, slamming the man into the ground. Yolin tutted, staring down at his opponent. "You really should keep old injuries covered better." He touched a scar on the man's body, and it burst open, blood splashing over Yolin, as if it had just been freshly given. The Sand Cobra screamed. "Go!" Aramir shouted, pushing Mar.