[@Pathfinder] I finished my CS [hider=Oxnus] [center] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/4add/th/pre/i/2013/070/c/a/chronos_by_frankvenice-d5xpd3k.jpg[/img] Name: Oxnus, Father of Time, Engineer of the Great Clock, Warden of the Mind Appearance: Oxnus, despite his knowledge, is a very self conscious god so he prefers to take on the form of a [url=https://67.media.tumblr.com/9b160d3f12ebdd8b6e7b54e084204a1a/tumblr_niulb3W5aU1u4ieguo1_400.png]young[/url] male who looks 15 and has white hair, and gold eyes that glow. Domains: Time, dimensions, history, and the mind Realm: The Grand Archives, is a gland library of sorts. It is a home for the history of the Universe. The Grand Archives is a portal to many others, inside you can not only find books, and records of events but also portals to some time loops that were captured because of significance. It is ever moving, always going to the next best place to gather new information and store it away, or moving to sights of historical importance to document the action for all of time to remember. The archives can only be accessed by the minds of mortals but any god can come and go as they please, the only other beings able to enter in flesh are Oxuns' scribes. Every book ever written, discovery made, and event seen can be found here. The archives also host the Sands of Time which reside within the Great Clock. Personality: Oxuns is a very friendly god, always keeps his door open to his siblings, he is never one to turn away a curious mind and tries to satisfy that curiosity to the best of his ability. The only thing that makes him mad is when something is taken from the library and not returned on time, it is one of his major, and only, pet-peeves. Demeanor: Oxuns makes mortals feel nostalgic and often his mere presence will take them back to happy moments in their life. He often can cause mortals to remember deeply forgotten, stored, or even repressed memories. Favored Subjects: Philosophers, Historians, Archaeologist, Scribes, Sphinx, Owls, Foxes, Mice [/center] [/hider]