[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/6/62058/2313544-007.jpg[/img] Name: Ragnos, God of Rock Appearance: Ragnos doesn't try to fool anyone when he's interacting with mortals. When he shows himself to his followers or anyone really, he shows them the true him, albeit a scaled down version. Domains: Stone, metals, music Realm: Ragnos's realm is a land filled to the brim with large stones jutting out from the similarly made up, stone surface. The sky is nearly always black but with an amazing view of the extremely bright moon that resides in his realm. His realm is also full of various beasts made from metal and stone alike. Personality: Ragnos doesn't like to take anything to seriously but often times he'll overreact and possibly get a little violent. He prefers to hang out with more like minded beings which don't seem to be most of his siblings so far. While he isn't very good at socializing with his godly siblings, he still enjoys their company. Demeanor: When mortals are graced by the presence of Ragnos, they are overcome by either a wave of energy and impulsiveness or a sense of dread as they know there's likely a lot of noise to come from the deity and his followers. Favored Subjects: Bards, musicians, Warriors, bats, Gophers, Dogs