[center][h2][color=f26522]Gredy Silvertongue[/color][/h2][/center] Gredy was more then happy to take the ghost girl's hand, being firm but clearly trying not to squeeze too hard. "[color=f26522]It's pronounced Gredy. Gr-e-dy. And I would be honored to travel with you by my side.[/color]" Smiling widely for a moment, it faltered a little as he ran into a small problem "[color=f26522]I can respect the fact that you don't want to be in a pokeball. Understand that completely... but I'm not quite sure how that works out when it comes to things like pokemon centers. I don't want you to be denied help because of a technicality...[/color]" Would they deny her service just because she was a 'wild' pokemon? Doubtful, but there was a pretty decent chance they might not give her back to him and there wouldn't really be any legal grounds for him to stop him... Shaking his head a little, Gredy quickly brightened up. "[color=f26522]Alright, I guess step one of our journey is to go to the pokemon center and ask if there is a way to have you registered as my pokemon without having to put you in a pokeball. Be a good chance for us both to get something to eat for lunch as well... Maybe I can even replace my bag.[/color]" Was it the most well thought out of plans? Maybe not but as far as Gredy was concerned it was as good a place to start as any other. It would give them a chance to get to know each other a bit better and they could bum around at the trainer house for the night after they got all their affairs in order. With a plan in hand, Gredy decided to take the lead as he had a pretty decent idea of where the Pokemon Center was from their current location in the alleyway. It wasn't even that far away from if he was remembering things correctly. There was even a park next door that they could hang out at! There was one thing that had to be cleared up before they got there through. "[color=f26522]What should I call you? I mean I know you're a Phantump but what kind of name would you like to be-[/color]" the sentence was cut off before it could be finished by a nearby shriek that sounded like someone had screamed it at the top of their lungs. It had come from the direction that they were heading towards. For a moment Gredy stood still, somewhat confused by what he had just heard before his brain started to kick into gear. "[color=f26522]...Phantump, can you go invisible and follow me? We need to check this out now.[/color]" Waiting only long enough to make sure she was going to follow, Gredy started to jog towards where he had heard the shriek come from; He didn't want to be exhausted when he got there in case whatever had caused the shriek was still around. In less then a minute and slightly winded, Gredy managed to set foot in the park that was near the pokemon center he was heading to and saw... he didn't quite know what it was he was seeing, but it looked like an absolute brawl with three boys around his age and their pokemon... one of which was a MACHAMP! Deciding to stay on the sidelines for now in order to try and figure out what was going on, Gredy reached into his pokedex and took the time to gather what information he could about all three pokemon in front of his as he could... as well as get an idea of what the Phantump that was hopefully still there with him could do too. [@Ashevelendar] [@Saltwater Thief] [@Feisty-Pants] [@BlackPanther] [@Raijinslayer] [@Holy Soldier]