[center][color=green][h2]Larvitar[/h2][/color][/center] For one so technically new to the world, He was quite oblivious to his surroundings. He had no clue that there was a human settlement nearby, nor to be fair what a human even was or that there was something called a trainer. Larvitar was more curious about his surrounding in terms of what he could use to test his strength, the ground had already yielded to him in terms that he could chew through it even if the progress for now was rather slow. The Grass seemed to be cut by his claws even if it didn't taste as well as the earth did it was edible in its own way... however berries still tasted the best and didn't seem to upset his stomach as much even if they all tasted different from the next. In this stage in his life one could say he learned about most of the world by tasting it... rocks was crunchy.... grass was soft, and the blue berries had a wonderous mix of flavors that blended in his mouth, he also felt like he grew healthier by eating them making him more courageous to take on new challenges. A Weedle would be one of the first things to taste his test of might... he would bite it and it would protect itself by spraying strings all over him. The Strings was sticky and made it more difficult to move, it tried to sting him and from the sensation Larvitar got he knew to avoid that sting as it was dangerous. Sticky he withdrew until he could get the strings off himself, and in the meantime the Weedle ran away as it didn't want to fight. Walking around trying new things tired him out pretty fast, and soon enough he would curl up to try to nap for a while.