[h1][center] Romarod , William , Elise , Salem , Vladimir , Gun'Tar , Malcolm and Isolde [/center][/h1] Romarod was in pain, despite stopping one of the enemy Gargantu, the arrows that he was hit with were deep in his back but missed his vitals. The hammer wielding Gargantu, although injured, headed towards Romarod, still with killing intent and unwilling to stop unless killed. The bandits that shot him, originally were leaving but when they noticed Romarod still trying to get up, they pointed their arrows at him again. He was ready for more but he wasn't ready for a sharp pain that came upon his thigh when another Gargantu threw a spear into his thigh and the hammer using Gargantu kicked the side of Romarod's head, nearly knocking him out. The spear using Gargantu came over and dragged him towards the others. Hurt and dazed, Romarod lazily looked around while on his back, trying to sit up. William was dazed and barely alive when he felt a surge of life force enter him. It was enough to keep him alive but as he opened his eyes, he could only see black and then he fell back to an unconscious state. Gun'Tar left William with the others and went to fight on his own against the unending tide of enemies. As he went out of the woods, a big Gargantu appeared in front of him. The Gargantu didn't have an eye but had a black patch with an eye painted on it. Gun'Tar laughed at him and charged into combat. The Gargantu grinned and yelled at the other bandits. "[color=gray] No one interferes ! The big guy is mine. [/color]" Gun'Tar put up his war hammer to prepare a big hit on one of the other Gargantu's knee caps. The other Gargantu's weapon was a crude broadsword, clearly made by a mediocre blacksmith at best but it was enough to do the job. As Gun'Tar was about to hit him with the war hammer, the bandit leader simply dodged and hit Gun'Tar in the back with his sword, impaling Gun'Tar. The sword went from one side on his chest to the other. Gun'Tar fell on his knees and spit some blood but he couldn't do anything as he fell to the ground when the bandit leader removed the sword from his back and hit him with his foot, sending Gun'Tar sprawling on the floor. Blood already pouring out of the wound and making the grass red around him. A surge of pain soon started to hit all the others as Gun'Tar close-to-death state activated the bombs in all of them. After a little bit, Isolde opened her eyes. Everything was still swimming before her, though she could still see a bit of surroundings. She was lying on the forest floor, immobilized and she saw some of her companions around her. The ones that were still standing were at sword point, and a few (like her) were on the ground. She felt dazed, and lightheaded. She attempted to move her leg, but found that it brought her pain to even try to move it. She recognized the scent of blood, and realized that she was lying in a pool of it. Unlike some of her recent lying-down-in-a-pool-of-bloods, it was hers. She recognized the scent as it rushed from her wound, pooling around her. She sighed, closing her eyes yet again. Vladimir, being the only one uninjured among those who were captured, could only watch helplessly as Gun'Tar took on another Gargantu. His mind began plotting about how he could escape his captor when he heard a sharp intake of breath. Elise eyes snapped open as pain ran through her. Her breathing was harsh as she struggled to sit up but her injuries prevented her from doing so, particularly the arrow that was still lodged in her abdomen. Blood began to ooze out of it once more from her sudden movement. Vladimir turned his head towards the mage, the sword held to his neck drawing blood as he moved against it. A similar surge of pain ran through him as it did Elise. He ignored it, as well as the pain on his neck as he quickly assessed Elise's injuries. The shoulder wounds were nothing to be worried about. But the arrow to her abdomen was... [color=darkgoldenrod]"Elise!"[/color] he exclaimed when the mage fell back into unconsciousness, the ground turning red with her blood. He looked around and his eyes fell on the fallen Gun'Tar, his blood spilling onto the ground just as Elise's was. He gritted his teeth. It was a hopeless situation. Elise saved him from his injuries but she was dying. Even if he could save her, if Gun'Tar died then all of them would lose their lives as well. Salem did not follow the elf when she moved away with Malcolm. He instead launched himself into a tree and concealed himself. He saw the bandits surrounding them...he saw Malcolm slowly starting to move. The man's eyes still glowing from the amount of life force he had. The man slowly raised his hand and did a motion causing Salem to launch from the tree. He got behind one bandit and slit their throat with his claws before launching like a deranged mad cat at another bandit....this time tearing with his teeth. Salem was in no way a small cat...but the numbers of the bandits soon overwhelmed him and they had him by the scruff...which would be akin to grabbing by the hair. He struggled hissing and spitting the whole time until his eyes widened. Blood poured from his abdomen as a bandit pulled away a knife. They then threw him with the others...Malcolm scooting next to Salem. He could take his friends wound....but he was fairly certain the pairing of his own wound and Salem's would kill him even with the excess life force. Malcolm was about to take Salem's wound when he felt the pain surge. His vision blurred and he flinched. The pain was too much to concentrate and he was certain Salem's wound was not helping with that surge. He tried to look around to see who was dying, but when he moved his head the world swayed. The Bandit leader grinned as Gun'Tar fell to the ground and approached the other prisoners with a wicked smile on his face. He looked at them, checking for injuries and frowned. "[color=gray] I said. I wanted them ALIVE ! Not injured like this ! What am I supposed to do with them ? [/color]" yelled the leader. An elven bandit approached the leader and bowed his head and with a trembling voice said "[color=pink] We...we're sorry Black Eye. We are sorry. Some of them are Magi. We couldn't...do anything. They fought too hard. [/color]" Black Eye's eye widen as he heard that Magi are free but as he was about to turn to the prisoners, he swung his sword at the elven bandit's head and it chopped it right off. "[color=gray] That's what happens to those that disobey my orders. [/color]" he then turned to the prisoners and said "[color=gray] So...escaped Magi. Good. You shall fetch a nice price. I'm sure the Templars have a bounty on your heads already. As for the others...well...I don't think I can use you. As my people said, you fought hard. I don't think you can be sold but...I'll take the women. [/color]" laughed Black Eye. "[color=gray] Keep the women and the Magi alive and kill the others. They are useless. Pick clean everything from this caravan and then burn everything to the ground. Make sure you remove the tracks...[b] this time [/b]. We don't want Templars finding us. [/color]" As Black Eye turned, a sharp yell was heard coming from the forest where the archers were hidden. "[color=gray] Everyone ! Weapons at the ready ! It looks like you haven't caught everyone. [/color]" A big shadow rose from ground right near Black Eye and killed the bandits that surrounded the group with a sharp move of what looked like a claw. Moving away faster than possible as Black Eye turned and swung his sword at the place where the shadow was. Everywhere almost at once, bandits were getting killed and soon almost everywhere there were blood, guts and body parts on the ground. Black Eye fear could be seen in his eyes as his people were getting killed by something he couldn't see. "[color=gray] Show yourself and fight me like a man ! [/color]" yelled Black Eye, his hands "strangling" the hilt of his sword. The shadow materialized a few meters away from him and looked exactly like the shady man that visited the others a few nights ago. A dark voice could be heard from almost everywhere at once but the face of the shady man was as always hidden in shadow. "[color=black] You...called ? [/color]" Black Eye charged at the shady man but the shady man simply moved through him. A part of the shadows that enveloped him, staying behind on Black Eye. He tried to cut away at the shadows but they simply got bigger and bigger until finally enveloped him completely. Black Eye started to levitate and was moved in front of the others. "[color=black] I told you to leave sooner and now you forced my hand. [/color]" the shady man's voice was as before. Dark and coming from everywhere at once. The shadows that enveloped Black Eye started to shrink and his yells of pain could be heard 'till the only sound that could be heard was [b] *crunch* [/b] as all of his bones snapped in the same time. The shady man moved his hands and a bright light appeared above him. The light moved from prisoner to prisoner, healing everyone's wounds as it passed through each of them. "[color=black] Don't. Make. Me. Interfere. Again. [/color]" said the shady man before he finally disappeared in the shadows. The arrows that had pierced Elise's body fell away as the wounds closed. It was as though she was never injured. She sat up and Vladimir, freed from the sword point, immediately gathered her to him like a delicate doll. He had been protecting her too long that he had already looked at her as family. And being helpless while she was in the brink of death made him realize that. He sighed in relief when she turned her blue eyes towards him. [color=darkgoldenrod]"You scared me half to death. I thought you were gonna die,"[/color] he said. Elise looked down at herself, wondering what had happened and why she was no longer injured. [color=mediumpurple]"Were you worried that you were gonna die if I died?"[/color] she asked in her detached voice. The question should have offended Vladimir but he laughed it off, truly relieved that the mage was out of danger and back to her old self. He shook his head and looked towards the place where the shady man had stood only a few minutes ago. [color=darkgoldenrod]"And now, we owe that man our lives,"[/color] he said. Romarod was not really aware of all that was happening as he was too focused on his injuries that he's never really felt before. The exhaustion, the beating, this was a bit new. Well...of this caliber. When he noticed the arrows that was on his back, falling and the pain was fading away along with the deep and heavy wound on his thigh from the spear and the internal pain he had, subsiding, Romarod was feeling confused. Sitting up, looking at his thigh that healed and looking around at his comrades who were starting to heal as well, he looked to notice the bandits were defeated around them. [color=39b54a]What....what is this?[/color] he said curiously. [color=39b54a]Another Magi?[/color] he questioned before standing, and scanning the massacre around them. Gun'Tar was just about to close his eyes for good when he felt his wound closing. He couldn't understand what happened and as he tried to rise from the ground and fell back to the ground with a load *thud*. The blood he lost was enough to keep him unconscious for some time. William was still unconscious right until the end. Malcolm and Salem both slowly stood. Malcolm rolled his eyes at the shady man as he disappeared. [color=lightgreen]"Maybe dont be so damn cryptic with your answers then"[/color] Salem snorted. The two looked around and then looked at each other before Malcolm shook his head. [color=lightgreen]"Dont do that again"[/color] [color=yellow]"Do what?"[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Almost die on me"[/color] Salem rolled his eyes and the two started to try to find the rest of the group. Isolde woke up again, but this time, everything was swirling before her in a new sense. It was tough to breathe, and even when she did manage to her breath was raspy. Her limbs still wouldn't reply to her commands. The pain was too much to bear, and her chest was throbbing. Much to her confusement, the wound was starting to heal up, but it wouldn't regain the blood she had lost, nor the paralysis. She fell back into the deep, dangerous sleep. [hr][hr] [@Venku][@Shadow Daedalus][@Caits][@dabombjk][@Wick][@Gareth][@BlackPanther][@canaryrose][@DustyOldCrow][@Kyrisse][@King Tai] [hr][hr]