[center][h2][color=red]Bruno[/color][/h2][/center] When Toby tried to get out of going to have a burger, Bruno felt quite sorry for the boy. He obviously had some really bad social problems, and based on his shoes, he probably had some problems at home too. Or at the very least, he was very poor. And the fact that he looked like he was around 10 or 11 really didn't help. He must have felt like a complete stranger around everyone else his age, and Bruno couldn't really imagine what on earth that was like. Although Bruno had his insecurities, at least he actually fit in with others of his age. Bruno wasn't sure if Toby got bullied, but knowing kids his age, it was probably very likely. Bruno felt a little better as Landon convinced Toby to join them, and the four of them began their walk over to the burger stand. Bruno still hadn't decided if he wanted a cheeseburger or a hamburger, but he would decide when they got there. When they eventually did, he decided on a classic hamburger, and began to chomp down on it. The burger was surprisingly good for one cooked in a high school on a field by a bunch of random people. Americans sure could do fast food better than Croatians, that was one thing he had to give them. Marco, the redhead, asked him if he had a twin. Bruno nodded his head and said: [color=red]"Yeah I do, but we don't really hang out together that much, he's pretty different to me in terms of personality. He's somewhere somewhere over there but I'm not entirely sure."[/color] Bruno pointed generally over to his left as he spoke, but he couldn't actually see Dominik anymore. Then he heard Toby's response to Marco's question he had posed generally. It wasn't a happy answer, and Bruno shot him a sympathetic look, realising that there was a lot going on in the short boy's life. [@Oliver] [@LostDestiny]