[h3][center][color=BE31F7]Veitaru[/color] and [color=4DE474]Gruncle Jaege[/color][/center][/h3] There was dark hat robe. Didn't seem to engage much, other than fighting with other person and talking with small person ghost. The ghost talked about things that Lange didn't really understand. [color=4DE474]~How does a pyramid scheme?~ [/color] Hidden fairy didn't do much at first. Fisher lady entered and yawned. Loud robe man entered and yelled. [color=BE31F7][i]"Yeah, it's real surprising when a family is named after their most obvious hereditary trait."[/i][/color] Veitaru apparently heard Archer, and responded right back, but Jaege seemed not to notice or mind. Talky ninja with friend kinda-talky ninja talked with silent ninja and loud yelly robe man. Fairy then revealed all the things. Silent robe man volunteered. Dark hat robe found this funny, and apparently had a beef with the goddesses. [color=4DE474]"Well, this sounds like fun! I'm in. It's not every day one gets to save the world. Maybe they make heroic painting of me!"[/color] Jaege stepped forward with a similar lack of hesitation to Griz. Veitaru was a bit more reluctant, but stepped forward, staying close in Jaege's shadow, not liking the venue much of any. But her mouth made up for her shaking knees. [color=BE31F7]"Honestly, I'd say this is actually a bit of a step up from normal Goddess plans. I mean, usually it's just: [url=http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=317][i]'In time a great hero will come forth to save Hyrule' 'But how will we know who this hero is?' 'A test perhaps?' 'Yes! A contest!' 'A challenge!' 'Ah, but [b]what[/b] challenge?' 'Yes...' 'Hmmm...' 'What indeed...' [b]'BOXES.'[/b] 'Boxes?' 'Yes! Little Boxes!' 'Pushing little Boxes!' 'Boxes for the Chosen One!'[/i]"[/url][/color] [color=BE31F7]"This way, when half of us conk over from pointy stab wounds and bolts of eldritch eeeevil magic, there'll still be plenty of warm and in some cases cold bodies to scrabble to pick up the Master Sword and rush onward again. You guys first."[/color]