[quote=@Natty] Thought i'd just post my Wasp CS here for anyone who wanted to see it! Let me know if you see anything that you think i should change! [hider=Wasp / Janet Van Dyne] [center][img]http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/6/d0/574711ad7c69e/standard_incredible.jpg[/img] [b][color=khaki]♦ T H E A S T O N I S H I N G W A S P ♦[/color][/b] [color=7e6e75][sub][b]“You've just been stung!”[/b][/sub][/color][/center] [color=khaki][sub]O R I G I N[/sub][/color] [hr] [indent][color=7e6e75] Born in Cresskill, New Jersey, [b]Janet Van Dyne[/b] had a very privileged childhood due to her family’s wealth. She grew up a socialite, spending her youth being shone off by her parents at fancy galas and parties. Janet rather enjoyed the spotlight, soon turning into a charismatic and friendly young woman. Her life wasn’t all fun though, as during her childhood her mother tragically passed away, leaving her in the care of her father, [b]Vernon Van Dyne[/b]. Being a scientist and spending most of his time working, Vernon struggled to connect with his daughter. As such, he eventually decided to enrol her in a prestigious boarding school, which would give her an opportunity to bond with people her own age, as well as receive a tremendous education. Janet was enraged at first because of this, however in time she calmed herself, making friends at her new school, as well as coming to understand her father’s reasoning for his actions; she was too much like her mother. When the time came to deciding on colleges, Janet set her sights on [b]Greyburn College[/b] in New York City. This was in an attempt to spend more time with her father, who was a key researcher and funder of the College’s Research and Development Labs. Glad to be reunited, the two began getting dinner with each other once every week, in an attempt to maintain and strengthen their previously rough relationship. It was at one of these dinners that Janet was introduced to the handsome young [b]Dr. Hank Pym[/b], one of her father’s colleagues. Hank was a scientific genius, excelling in a wide range of subjects such as biochemistry, physics, engineering, robotics, as well as AI, with him receiving his Doctorate well before any of his peers. Hank and Janet hit it off quite quickly, with the two beginning a romantic relationship with each other. On top of this, Janet’s schoolwork was going well, with her deciding to major in fashion design, something she was extremely talented at. However disaster struck when during an experiment with Hank’s creation; the [b]Pym Particle[/b], a being known as [b]Pilai[/b] was brought into their dimension from the [b]Microverse[/b]. During the conflict at the lab, Pilai murdered Vernon. A devastated Janet turned to Hank for help in avenging her father’s death, who in turn revealed himself to be the superhero [b]Ant-Man[/b], who used his Pym-Particles and cybernetic ant-controlling helmet to fight crime. Before he could go hunting for Pilai, Janet begged him to let her help. Reluctantly, Hank agreed to temporarily infuse Janet with his Pym Particles, allowing her to shift in size, as well as implanting her with a set of Bio-Synthetic Wings that he had been recently working on. Quickly designing a costume that mirrored that of Ant-Man’s, Janet became the [b]Wasp[/b]! Tracing Pilai’s energy signature, the two costumed heroes managed to easily track down the creature’s location. However dispite their combined abilities, they were no match for Pilai. That was until they discovered that Pilai was actually made up of formic acid, after he began to secrete some after an attack. As such, Hank hit him with a formula of Ant-Formic acid which dissolved him instantly. Returning back to his lab, Hank planned to drain the Pym Particles back out of Janet’s body, like they had agreed prior. However, Janet refused, with her having thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, loving the rush that came with the heroics. As such, they agreed to become crime fighting partners, with Hank further improving her arsenal by editing her biology so that she could emit blasts of bio-energy from her hands, which she dubbed her wasp stingers. At first they attempted to simply handle petty street crime, stopping muggings and robberies out of sight in their small size. That was until they encountered their first actual super powered opponent; a mutant by the name of [b]David Cannon[/b] caught Hank and Janet’s attention after performing a series of jewel heists. The two intervened although neither them, or Hank’s army of ants, were a match for the villain’s speed, with him overpowering them easily before escaping. What more, was that the attack had also caused a large amount of property damage, severely tarnishing the two heroes’ media image. Fortunately their second encounter ended differently, with Janet regrowing to her regular size, before blasting him with a full-sized wasp sting. The blast, more powerful while she was at regular size, knocked him unconscious instantly. The conflict was fortunately captured on camera, thus reigniting their heroic image in the eyes of the public. Shortly after finding themselves plastered all over the news, the two were approached by an organization by the name of [b]S.H.I.E.L.D.[/b] Given their superhuman abilities, the organization had been keeping a close eye on the couple for some time. They offered the two places amongst their ranks, although in the end the two of them decline, although agreed to help them in the future if the situation required it. Over the years they faced more and more threats, with the two building up a rogue gallery of sorts. One such rogue was [b]Alexander Gentry[/b], also known as the [b]Porcupine[/b]. There was also [b]Liso Trago[/b], a man capable of controlling both animals and people using his music. It was during this time that the two were married, with the husband and wife superhero team being as happy as ever. Or so Janet thought. What she wasn’t aware of at the time, was that as a result of Hank’s constant exposure to early forms of his Pym Particle, his mental state was starting to waver, with the particles impacting greatly on the Doctor’s bi-polar disorder. He regularly became enrage at every defeat, shouting at Janet behind closed doors back at their lab, and even occasionally in public out in the field. This behaviour grew worse however when their media attention began to waver, with news stations such as [b]the Daily Bugle[/b] preferring to focus on other New York Superheroes, such as the infamous [b]Spider-Man[/b]. During one particular nervous breakdown, Hank decided that if he could build a robot to attack Manhattan, he could defeat it and be a hero in the eyes of the world. Janet was furious when she discovered her husband’s plans, and tried to intervene, only for Hank to strike her across the face. Before Janet could stop him, he unleashed his creation, only to find himself overpowered by the robot. Luckily Wasp managed to recover, with Janet saving the day by hitting the weak spot in its armour that Hank had purposefully created for him to hit. Despite knowing that Hank’s actions were a result of his mental illnesses and wanting to help him overcome them, Janet felt like she couldn’t deal with the abuse any longer, and as such, decided to begin divorce proceedings. At the same time, she contacted S.H.I.E.L.D, and after a private word with its director, [b]Nicholas Fury[/b], convinced them to offer Hank a job as one of their lead scientists. In truth, the job other was a way of Janet giving Hank the care he needed, as well as making sure that someone was keeping an eye on him. While Hank retired from super heroics due to his new job, Janet continued her life as the Wasp, now working alone. During this time, she faced David Cannon once more, who had now taken up the alias [b]Whirlwind[/b], as well as sporting a green armoured costume for defence against her stingers. On top of this, she began to focus once more on her career as a fashion designer, with Janet realizing that her time studying fashion design was one of the best periods of her life. After finding finishing her degree, she formed a start-up company which she called [b]Yellowjacket[/b]. Due to her expertise in both business and fashion design, as well as her popularity as the superheroine known as the Wasp, Yellowjacket soon became one of the most relevant fashion & design firms in New York City. Once her life was finally starting to go more smoothly, another disaster struck, as a giant purple being landed in Kansas, threatening to destroy the planet. Working alongside with S.H.I.E.L.D, as well as many of the Earth’s mightiest heroes, Wasp helped lead the charge against the being which they dubbed [b]Galactus[/b]. Following Galactus’s attacked, Wasp decided that it would be wise to form a team to contend with any similar threats in the future. As such, the [b]Avengers[/b] were formed, with the Wasp acting as their leader, with S.H.I.E.L.D. monitoring the team behind closed doors. [/color][/indent] [color=khaki][sub]P O W E R S & A B I L I T I E S[/sub][/color] [hr] [indent][color=7e6e75][b]Size Reduction:[/b] Due to long-term exposure to Pym Particles, Janet is able to manipulate her size, reducing herself to roughly 1/2 inch in height. Due to her smaller size, her strength level increases as a result of her body's mass being compacted. [b]Bio-Synthetic Wings:[/b] When she reduces herself in size, Janet grows a pair of yellow insectoid wings which gives her the ability of flight, at speeds of up to 40mph. [b]Bio-Eletric Energy Stings:[/b] As a result of alterations from her ex-husband, Janet is able to harness her body's bio-energy, releasing it in the form of blasts of energy, dubbed as her Wasp Stingers. These stingers pack quite a punch, growing more powerful when she's in her regular size. [b]Fashion Design:[/b] Janet is an extremely talented fashion designer, to the extent that she even runs her own fashion company. As a result, she wore a different costume for every mission during her early days as the Wasp.[/color][/indent] [color=khaki][sub]C A S T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=7e6e75] [hider=Friends & Allies] [b]Hank Pym:[/b] Janet's ex-husband, as well as previously the superhero Ant-Man. Currently working at S.H.I.E.L.D. [B]Thor Odinson:[/b] The Norse God himself, Thor is a fellow member of the Avengers. When not in the field, the two have a strong friendship which has developed over the passing months. [b]Stephanie Rogers AKA Captain America:[/b] A fellow member of the Avengers, Janet often seeks tactical advice from Stephanie due to her experience back during WWII. [b]Tony Stark AKA Iron Man:[/b] Despite Janet believing him to be nothing more than an arrogant playboy, his assistance during the Galactus incident warranted in her inviting him to join the Avengers. The fact that he declined merely increased the negative feelings Janet had for the guy. [b]Sue Storm AKA The Invisible Woman:[/b] [b]Reed Richards AKA Mr Fantastic:[/b][/hider] [hider=Enemies] [b]David Cannon AKA Whirlwind:[/b] A mutant, Cannon is able to rotate the lower half of his body at superhuman speed, resulting in him being virtually untouchable, with anything coming near being repelled by the centrifugal force if they try to interrupt his motion. After being defeating by the Wasp, he swore vengeance against her, declaring the super heroine as his nemesis. Since then, the two have fought on many occasions. [b]Alexander Gentry AKA Porcupine:[/b] A former military weapon’s designer who decided to use his latest creation, an armoured porcupine costume to rob banks. [b]Liso Trago:[/b] A native of India trained by a mystic and musician named Ghazandi. Ghazandi taught him how to hypnotize animals as well as humans with his music, which he used to try and enslave the people of New York over the Radio, only to be stopped when his only music began to ironically affect him as well, allowing Wasp to take him down with a micro-sized punch. [b]Galactus:[/b] The Wasp's most difficult enemy to date. It was the Devourer of Worlds' attack on Earth which inspired Wasp to form the Avengers. [/hider] [/color][/indent] [color=khaki][sub]S A M P L E S T O R Y A R C S[/sub][/color] [hr] [indent][color=7e6e75] [b]Dark Kingdom:[/b] Wasp and the Avengers must hit the streets after New York's Chinatown gains a new Kingpin of Crime; Mister Negative. [b]Insect Queen:[/b] Wasp VS Red Wasp. Will take place after the Hydra Emergence.[/color][/indent] [color=khaki][sub]R E F E R E N C E S[/sub][/color] [hr] [indent][color=7e6e75][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2754247]#1 - America Chavez meets the Hulk [/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2885274]#2 - The Knitter knits something and thinks about knitting[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3209376]#3 - Harper Row prepares herself for a nightly patrol[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2826139]#4 - Iceman gets a pep talk from Professor X and does something amazing.[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3495615]#5 - Boomerang and the Superior Foes of Spider-Man get into a bar fight.[/url][/color][/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Looks good, if you want to have wasp play the Falcon like role in Cal's whole winter soldier ordeal I'd be game assuming spud is.