[h1][color=#008000][center]Landon Jeremy Miland[/center][/color][/h1] [hr] [hr] [center]Location: Carnival[/center] [center] Interactions: [@KaijuBaragon] Bruno, [@Oliver] Toby, [@LostDestiny] Marco[/center] [hr] [hr] [color=#008000]"Nah, you're cool company Toby even if you don't think so. Besides if we're going to be teammates better get used to each now while we're able to right?"[/color] He felt a little bad for the boy since it was obvious his family struggled, he felt very fortunate to have such a good Aunt and Uncle who looks after them and began forming another plan in his mind. As everyone got their burger and sat down he heard Marco accept his offer and a huge jolt of excitement spread all over his body and he smiled happily. He wondered just how crazy it was at Marco's place and began panicking since it was even crazier at his house probably. He decided also to go ahead and implement his plan and made a face as he looked at his burger. [color=#008000]"Oh man! I told them no Ketchup!"[/color] He had put the ketchup on it while they had been talking but the ploy was hopefully going to work. [color=#008000]"It's ruined now, I hate ketchup on my burger."[/color] He looked pained and was about to stand and head back to the Burger stand when he stopped. [color=#008000]"Toby? You want it, better than wasting it honestly?"[/color] He shrugged nonchalantly and pushed it halfway across the table and raised his eyebrows before then looking at Marco. [color=#008000]"Umm, well I have two brothers actually, Astor and Corbin. Then of course my Aunt and Uncle, so it can get pretty crazy... Hope you don't mind?"[/color] He decided to tactfully not mention anything else about Toby's sister, figuring it was a touchy subject and he didn't want the short boy to feel any worse. He stood and went to go order another burger, keeping the plate pushed towards Toby.