Job searching anxiety, seasonal depression, plus the aftermath of the election. Came out and told my sister that I was bisexual, but she called me "traitor to the LGBTQ" for wanting to take a more Libertarian approach on the subject of marriage equality. To top it off, I think I've lost another friend who is just so angry and bitter that she would sooner busy herself reaffirming her regressive leftist views on Facebook than to even acknowledge me. I want to say that I am sadly depressed, but I laugh when I watch the violence being inflicted upon on both Trump supporters and those who opposed him. I want to say I am cynical, yet I long for a more unified America where everyone can find some common ground despite their differences. I want to say I love my country, but for fuck's sake I voted for Char Aznable. I want to weep for hours when the most honest thing I can say is "I am dead inside."