[center][img]http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s477/SuicideSquadGirl/Halls%20of%20Delbrook_zpsyskihzho.jpg[/img] [color=#7B241C][u][h1]delвrooĸ acadeмy[/h1][/u][/color] ѕepтeмвer nιneтн тнιrd day oғ ѕcнool 7:15aм[/center] Mrs. Wiley stands at the front of the class beside the door, arm extended out in front of her gesturing towards the wall. [b]"If you all would, please stand against the wall and as soon as everyone is inside, I will start from this desk,"[/b] brushing her hand over the desk at the front-most corner of the room, [b]"-and go on back. You will be receiving an assigned seat today. Do not blame me if you don't like them, it was put into a generator and randomly made. I am not the villain here, I promise you. There will be no switching seats until next Quarter. We [i]will[/i] be switching seats after each end of a quarter."[/b] Mrs. Wiley watches as everyone falls into place against the wall, all bunched up together looking like an awkward can of sardines. It made her smile a bit, seeing the newer faces in the group of kids before her, being sure to give them an especially friendly and welcoming smile. Grabbing her binder, she flipped it open and stood in front of the desk she'd mentioned before, reading off the Seating Chart. [b]"Rumancek."[/b] Her eyes scanned the group of kids and smirked when her eyes landed on her first victim as he maneuvered through the others to walk down the isle and set his bag on the table and guitar on the floor snug beside his desk. His eyes finally met hers with a matching smirk, [b][color=#154360]"This is payback for last year, isn't it? You and the computer are in cahoots."[/color][/b] The young boy laughed and Mrs. Wiley couldn't help but smile and shake her head. [b]"No such thing, but I'm glad you're up at the front this year. Don't have to worry about you goofing off in back."[/b] Mrs. Wiley gave him an 'I'm watching you' gesture with her hand, turning back to her sheet. [b]"Empty seat. Next, Zurancic and Aguilar."[/b] A quick protest about which twin it was, and Mrs. Wiley blushed slightly before adding in, [b]"Bruno Zurancic, please."[/b] She nodded as the students all took their seats, continuing on. [b]"Next row, Maria Costello, Broflivski, Revels and Kruger."[/b] Wiley gave them ample time to find their correct seats, looking out at her remaining students who still stood at the wall. [b]"Empty seat. Danilov, Mitchell. Next row. McQuarrie, Marco Costello. Empty seat. Knowles. Next. Dominic Zurancic. Empty seat. Miland and Rhodes. Last but not least, Devereaux."[/b] Mrs. Wiley watched as each student got comfortable in their new seats and looked around at their neighbors, looking to see who her problem students would be this year. Particularly she was more worried about Harley, Riley and Roxy, being her most rowdy group of kids.. at least, that she already knew of. She then raised both hands, getting the students to quiet down a moment so she could speak. [b]"Alright. I'm sure you're all excited about the weekend. It's only a few hours away! Just because it's the first class of the day doesn't mean you can do what you please. I know some teachers will have some things for you to do over the weekend,"[/b] a collective groan made her chuckle softly. [b]"We have 30 minutes before the bell will ring and you will get to go to your first classes of the day. It's an Odd day today, since you met with your Even classes yesterday. Don't allow yourselves to get lost and/or be late. As for right now, do whatever you'd like. Read, talk, play games,"[/b] Mrs. Wiley gestured to the back of the class where the few bookshelves held a number of games and books. [b]"And yes, you can use your phones, if you wish."[/b] With that, she sat down at her desk and began typing away at her computer.