The witches let out cute innocent smiles as the queen mentioned them keeping secrets. They giggled a little before suddenly holding each other’s hands and they spun a few times.[color=c4df9b]” Of course we have secrets~”[/color] Vala replied.[color=c4df9b]” Chalsea has secrets~” [/color]Sala replied before they finally stopped spinning and looked at Adalia with childish smiles.[color=c4df9b]” You have secrets~!”[/color] They added in unison, before nodding, pretty confident they had proven their point on the matter. When Adalia mentioned brining them sweets, the girls’ eyes lit up like Adalia just told them the best news they’ve ever heard. They started blushing with smiles and nodding and then they tilted their heads at the mention of the special thing she was going to give them. They each made a pondering expression before shrugging.[color=c4df9b]” Fine~”[/color] Vala replied and spun around her sister.[color=c4df9b]” It will be our secret~”[/color] Sala added and caught her sister’s arm, bringing her to a stop.[color=c4df9b]” We will see you tomorrow, Adalia!”[/color] They said with almost singing voice as they ran back towards the market place and vanished from sight in their way back to their housing and their rooms. [color=f7941d]“Hmmm…?”[/color] Chalsea suddenly made a rather cute waking up and questioning sound as her sweet sleep and probably dreams were disturbed by Adalia. It took a little before the nomad was even able to open her eyes.” Wha…?” She mumbled, narrowing her eyes and pulling a hand to protect them from the moonlight that was currently bathing her. She groaned a few times as she forced herself to blink and basically restart her higher brain functions. [color=f7941d]“Adalia…?”[/color] She asked, trying to focus on who was trying to wake her up from her nice slumber.[color=f7941d]” It is you.”[/color] Chalsea added with a smile, reaching over and placing her hand on Adalia’s for a few seconds before she blinked once more, looking about the place and then up at the moon.[color=f7941d]” Wha…”[/color] She said in confusion. [color=f7941d]“Oh my…”[/color] The mercenary leader said in panic as she almost jumped on her feet, realizing the situation.[color=f7941d]” It’s past midnight!”[/color] She stated in shock.[color=f7941d]” We had an agreement!!! I’m so sorry, I must have fell asleep!” [/color]She started to apologize, feeling really bad about it. Adalia had arranged for their nightly walk around the city and she as the fool she was fell asleep![color=f7941d]” I must have drifted off when I came to take a breather from all the alcohol fumes in the air around the marketplace… I’ve been running on spare energy since we headed here… cause I had to set an example for the troops…”[/color] Chalsea said, realizing she let her fatigue catch up with her and ruin the nice evening plans they had. [color=f7941d]“Damn it… I screwed up again.”[/color] She stated in grumble, angry at herself for this huge failure. There went what could pretty much have been her first date basically in years.[color=f7941d][i]’ Great going, Chalsea now you made bad impression.’[/i][/color] She thought to herself and looked at Adalia. [color=f7941d] “I really have no words good enough to apologize for this…”[/color] She said and sighed.[color=f7941d]” And I was even looking so much towards to it…” [/color]Chalsea added as she patted her dress here and there to dust it off from all the sitting on the ground. Her hair was still giving off silver moonlight glitters. [color=f7941d]“Adalia, I promise that I will find a way to make it up to you for tonight.”[/color] She promised with almost pleading voice.