[color=0054a6]Adalia watched as the two witch children agreed to her offer. She was glad that she could make the girls happy with the sweets and their own little secret. She didn’t want to go behind Chalsea’s back, but she had learned that human curiosity almost always ended in a bad situation, and she wasn’t sure if Chalsea would be able to keep her hands off the mana shards. The problem wasn’t that Adalia thought Chalsea wouldn’t understand, the problem was that she knew the mana shards weren’t too kind on those that didn’t have a lot of experience with magic, but the exact effects of the shards on those people, was unclear, and she didn’t want to bring Chalsea in a bad health state because of her curiosity. So if the witches could keep the mana shards to themselves, then she didn’t mind giving it to them, besides, they might reveal more secrets of the mana shards than she had been able to so far. She would keep looking into the mana shards though, as they held great potential to really help the world evolve. But until she was sure that they had some permanent results, she would keep them hidden from the rest of the world, at least for as long as she could until someone broke in, leaked the information or in other ways discovered the secret. Now she was with Chalsea, and it seemed that she had managed to wake up the sleeping Chalsea. Though the situation turned out quite differently than what Adalia had had in mind. She hadn’t expected Chalsea to feel bad, as she understood that she was tired and the whole apologizing scene and Chalsea getting angry at herself frankly caught Adalia off guard. For a moment, she didn’t know what to do or say, but she quickly came up with something, hoping that it would be good enough to calm Chalsea down. She stood up so that she wasn’t crouching anymore, as Chalsea had raised herself to stand up as well, and smiled at her, shaking her head softly. [color=ed145b]“It’s okay, I’m tired too. You don’t have to make it up to me in any way, it was probably a bit too much to ask of you to come tonight, since you have exhausted your body as much as you have. I should have remembered that you needed rest, you and your men, but sometimes I forget that mortal bodies gets exhausted faster than my own.”[/color] She smiled. [color=ed145b]“I don’t always have to sleep at night, and I don’t have to eat or drink every day to survive, I can, but I don’t have too, so I sometimes forget how other people live.”[/color] She said with a small nod. [color=ed145b]“It’s my fault entirely for not letting you rest properly. Come; let’s go back to the mansion so that you can get a good night’s rest.”[/color] She smiled. It would be too late for them to go for the walk now, as Chalsea had said she was okay with starting the training the next day, and since it was already 1 AM now, and Chalsea was exhausted, it was best to go back and get some sleep. She pulled up her dress at the right side, all the way up to her mid-thigh, where the glove was strapped on. Her skin was smooth as milk, and hairless. She did have some markings though, in the form of stars. Five black ones in a circle on her right thigh, and the same on her left, though Chalsea would only be able to see the ones on her left thigh, as that was where the glove was. She then unstrapped the glove and pulled her dress down again softly. She looked to Chalsea with a smile and handed it to her [color=ed145b]“Here you go. This was my special item for you. I explained about it yesterday, and I hope you’ll give it a try. But remember, if you don’t like the feeling, don’t use it, as the effects might turn from positive to negative in that case. Only if you embrace the feeling and enjoy it, will it be positive.” [/color]She smiled. Once Chalsea had taken it, if she wanted to have it, Adalia started to lead her out of the alley. She could feel that she had been drinking quite a lot of wine this evening, but it was okay, she didn’t have anything major planned for the next few days, other than perhaps watching the training session that Chalsea was going to start up. As they walked back towards the mansion now, Adalia looked up to the stars [color=ed145b]“Chalsea, you’re too hard on yourself. Not just before when you woke up, but in general. The way you live your life and the way you try to act, it’s straining your soul, body and mind. You have to take care of yourself darling, or you might end up going insane.”[/color] She said. [color=ed145b]“Look at the stars. They don’t worry, they don’t pressure themselves, what they do, is nothing more than they have to, and nothing less than they have too. They simply show up every night, and shine their light onto the world, alongside the moon and the moonlight. You should try to change your ways to be more like the stars. I know that you might have been too late to save us if you had been more like the stars, but seeing how you treat yourself, pressure yourself to achieve great things, tells me that you will someday, break down your own body, soul and mind. If I was your doctor, I would tell you to refrain from doing anything for the next month, but I also know that someone with your spirit would be unable to sit still and do nothing for that long.”[/color] She smiled, now turning her head towards Chalsea. [color=ed145b]“But appreciate what you have, relax in what you do and don’t push yourself too much. Those are the wisest words and advice I can share with you.” [/color]She smiled. [/color]