[quote=@Ace of Hearts] I'm sorry that your Harmless Opinion™ involves referring to people who just so happen to enjoy different flavors of human in the bedroom as "degeneracy" I don't have to respect views or opinions that view me and millions of other people as degenerates. Fucking hell, would any you tell me to respect some Klansmen if I saw them walking down the street? Or are we going to play the coward's game of reconciliation with people who would prefer it if we didn't exist? [/quote] >just so happen to enjoy different flavors of human in the bedroom People who constantly flaunt their sexuality in the streets. Who whine and complain until they are given free reign to corrupt every facet of our society, whether it be our moral values, our religion, our children, etc. The people who do not stop at just "bedroom fun time XD" but continue their depravity into new heights of furrydom, femboys, pedophilia, zoophilia. The list goes on. Yes, this is what I consider to be degenerate, you might too if you had a different outlook on life. >I don't have to respect views or opinions that view me and millions of other people as degenerates. The reason America was able to function so successfully was because of the fact that we were able to respect discussion and debate. Our founding fathers did not run and hide into their bedrooms just because there were people that disagreed with them. To not show respect to another point of view is to leave yourself in a dark corner of thinking, allowing whatever ideology you have to fester and mutate, unchallenged by anything that might be incongruent with it. That is how monsters are born, by people being allowed to think the same thing, unchallenged by facts, or rhetoric, or discussion, or debate. >Fucking hell, would any you tell me to respect some Klansmen if I saw them walking down the street? Or are we going to play the coward's game of reconciliation with people who would prefer it if we didn't exist? I respect the Klan's ideas, because I can understand their way of thinking, in the same way that I respect BLM's ideas, because I also know what perspective they have on the world. Humanity is different. We are all made different, whether it be due to gender, genetics, race, society. We're not the same, and it is erroneous and childish to believe that one should be able to live comfortably without coming to terms with our differences.