Alright, that was a nice light post, so I decided to read it. No flipping out and accusing me of flaming because of how I choose to phrase questions, M'kay? [quote=@Shoryu Magami] Ultimately, for the exact reason I described above -- relying on dice rolls actually causes people to have to write their characters incredibly out of character at times to cater to failures that the character simply wouldn't do. There's also a severe limitation placed on realism, as I've mentioned several times in this thread now and [ImportantNobody] just reaffirmed in his post. [/quote] While I understand this is your experience, it isn't my reality. Okay, so I have a totally badass ranger who never misses his shots. I roll a 1 and am forced to miss a shot. But I don't have to write the miss like my character actually has horrible accuracy. why can't I just have my opponent stumble and fall out of the way? Maybe my rolling a 1 isn't my character missing, but their character evading. And realism? Sorry buddy, even the best shooters are prone to miss. Especially when you consider stuff like moving targets, wind, debris, etc. With enough creativity, it just doesn't seem like an issue. I also feel that using dice would remove all the fluff that nobody really enjoys reading, like the three or four paragraphs about the angle of the sword swing that's suppose to ensure a clean hit. That's not necessary when the dice are in charge. [quote=@Shoryu Magami] That being said, I could see the partial system working under circumstances where it's appropriate, but as I've explained a few times now the characters can get to a point where they're so far beyond luck that even using dice rolls in the background is unrealistic. That's why I agreed with the GM for choosing a very low tier setting for this thread's role-play. [/quote] I don't really understand what you're saying here. What is "beyond luck"? What is "a low-teir setting"? Am I to assume that being beyond luck is being in a situation where there's only one outcome? Is low-tier like low powers/realistic? This sounds like one of those points that we might just have to agree to disagree on.