[B]Vix[/b] -- [i]Hotheaded Fox[/i] Out of nowhere, a boy intervened on her assault. His coat caught and suffocated the flames, and left her attack completely stopped as a whole. Gritting her teeth in firy, her fists clenched as she glared angrily at the boy. How [i]dare[/i] he intervene on her fight?! He wasn't even a Pokémon! Growling beneath her breath, the little fox loathingly stared at the Machamp, waiting for it to make a move, only to suddenly have it stop in its tracks as other trainers stepped in. Another with something that he shouldn't, until a girl with eight badges [i]and[/i] a Dragonite stepped into the fray. As quickly as she had arrived, the fight had ended. The two newbies tucked their tails and ran, leaving Jaden, the intervening boy, and this Dragonite trainer with all their Pokémon accordingly. Still bristling with anger at the boy who intervened, she subtly walked behind him. With quick inhale, she let a small, white hot ember spout from her lips. Which quickly caught onto the jacket that had stopped her initial attacks. While it was mostly intact, this little white ember would burn a sizeable hole, and make it essentially useless. Sticking up her nose at the boy, Vix returned to Jaden's side as the trainer asked exactly what was going on. Little beknownst to all of them, they were going to get a quick answer. Nearby at the Pokemon Trainer House, the two suspicious people had returned. And were once again selling their [i]wares[/i]. Vix scowled as she took in their scent. The boy with the Machamp reeked of them, and now she realized very quickly as she listened in that her wariness was well placed. Instead of saying another word, the little fox stormed forward with all the anger that she could possess. With clenched fists, she pushed her way through the crowd, nd this time made very well her point and intention. [B]"It was these jerks that sold the Machamp to that idiot!"[/b] Vix exclaimed with outright fury, pointing at the duet who manned the selling point. [B]"The Machamp reeked of their filkth, and here they are, trying to sell Pokémon again like they're selling common junk."[/b] The trainers that had surrounded the table looked surprised ar her as she jumped up on the table, looking pleadingly to them. [B]"I beseech you, everyone. Do not trade your Pokémon into this scam. Don't! We trust you when you capture us. You put our lives into your hands, so take responsibility for it! Do not betray them for a cheap shortcut just to get badges. Half of the reason to become a trainer is the adventure itself! Pause a second, smell the roses, with your closest friends. Not a mockery of eliminating free will! We are your friends! Not your slaves! Is there truly so much greed in your heart that you'd cast us aside like fodder? Please, I beg of each of you. prove to us, your friends, that we matter more to you than just winning."[/b]