[@Fubsy][@BurningCold][@FallenTrinity][@jumpadraw][@Dead Cruiser][@redbaron1234][@ShaggyDoo0][@Queentze][@GamerXZ][@LancerOfBlue] This is a message to everyone and no person specific, but if you feel this message applies to you, then please do as requested. This game has a lot of interest, but I have only seen 2 CSes. The way I do my interest checks is that I already write out the OOC and the CS, which is the OP of this check. I don't open the actual game until I get enough applicants. If I don't get enough applicants, then I'm not going to waste my time setting up an OOC and IC if no one is going to be joining the actual game. If you have lost interest in this game, then please mention me and let me know so I can take you off the Interested Players list. I use that list as a roster to let me know who I am still waiting on for CSes and I update accordingly.