[centre][b][h1][color=fff200]Niesha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] There were many things that Niesha despised. She was use to being overlooked at times, but this was just down right arrogance. She glared at the huntress. If this was what the hunt had to offer, then Niesha wanted no part of them. Rude, arrogant, and Ignorant to other ways, Niesha decided she'd be much better off without having any dealings with the hunt. [i]If this is what two thousand years of no sex does to you, no thank you.[/i] she thought to herself, glad for the moment that the words hadn't slipped out her mouth. A point for self-control. For once. She shifted, shaking her head, glad the Huntress was leaving. Although she was disturbed for the offer to Syleste. Niesha didn't have many friends, and the thought of losing one to the Hunt...it distressed her greatly. IF Syleste was tempted, Niesha knew that she needed to be careful, to not shove her friend towards the Hunt. On the other side of the coin, she knew she couldn't stop Syleste's choice. It was hers, after all. Her gaze flickered towards Michael, Syleste all but in his lap, and her heart ached for him. If Syleste choose the hunt, Michael would be more then devestated. She gave a soft sigh, waiting until the Huntress was out of sight, Niesha excused herself. [color=fff200]"I'm going to go back to the cabin. I'll see you later"[/color] She followed Elena, but headed towards the cabins. Only, she stopped halfway, troubled by the recent events. She bit her lip, unsure. She glanced back to the stands, wondering if she should have left, but she hadn't wanted to say something that might be wrong. Snow fluttered about her, circling above, she rose up and down with drafts, circling round in a figure out for a few moments, before going into loop-de-loops. Niesha stood there, watching thoughtfully.