Jess couldn't help but let a tear roll down her cheek as Nathan promised to stick by her side no matter what. She felt like such a terrible friend. When Nathan put his arm around her she kinda leaned into it. He felt so warm. She sat there for a few minutes trying to get her mind organised and her breathing steady. She felt safe like when her father held her in his arms for the first time after she told her parents. There's no way he could hold her so caring like and not be honest about still being there after. [color=FF3030]"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. It's hard not to be scared of people's reactions. All the stories out there."[/color] [color=FF3030]"A lot of my stress [i]is[/i] from all of the issues with the diner, making sure the house is paid up, and normal and 'abnormal' sibling antics. I'm sure Kylie has given me a few grey hairs these past few weeks."[/color] She started explaining, despite practically growling in frustration towards the end. Then she sighed. [color=FF3030]"But even all that is nothing compared to the stress I've gone through already. The stress and anxiety and depression I've been struggling with since I was about fourteen. There was a good chunk of time where I even wanted to take the "one step shortcut" from the roof of the mall. I even figured out how to get up there without getting caught. And before you start worrying about that, I'm no longer at that kind of point. I haven't been since I figured it out. The reason for the stress, the anxiety, the depression. The truth is... I'm transgender. I... I..." [/color] she said, closing her eyes in anticipation of the worst, tears leaking from corners of the closed lids.