[color=Ivory][h1][center]Jaden Locke: Viridian City[/center][/h1][/color] [i]A gentlemen's anger[/i] Jaden remained silent through the manic trainer's rebuttal to his assault, as well as that of the sudden stranger who had interposed himself between Vix and the foe's Machamp, as she had followed his example. There were two reasons for this silence: the fact that the stranger was at least partly correct in that he should've kept a cooler head, and the fact that his anger was still very much alive and well as he restrained himself from striking the offensive little brat once more as he threatened not only Jaden himself, but his Pokemon as well. Luckily, a senior trainer appeared on the scene, quickly cowing the boy with her mere presence as he skulked off. The fact that the boy was walking off completely scot free after what he had just done cause Jaden's blood to boil in his veins, the knuckles of his fists turning white from how tight they were. [i][color=Ivory]Breathe, Jaden, breathe. Remember what the counselor said. Untie the knot. Follow the string. Let the tension leave your body.[/color][/i] It was an old exercise that Jaden hadn't performed in years, back in his more . . . 'rambunctious' youth. He'd always been a righteous sort, to a point that most would consider overzealous and possibly self-destructive, and when tied with an issue of controlling ones emotions and you got a child that tended to pick lots and lots of fights whenever he tried to mingle with other children, mainly due to how most of them tended to treat their servant pokemon. He'd gone to multiple tutors and counselors for years with limited success, but it wasn't until his Uncle's . . . 're-education' that he was finally deemed suitable to be around pleasant company. Those had been unpleasant times for the most part, but this exercise had always been a spot of light, a gift of sorts from his favorite counselor. Even now, he could feel the fire in his heart die down by a good margin, though it still simmered and snapped beneath the surface. Good thing to, because the veteran trainer had turned asked him and the other boy([color=Ivory][i]I think his name was . . . Seth, right?) about what was going on. [color=Ivory]"If so, then I haven't heard of it, nor do I see the point in it. What's the point of beating a Gym when it's through strength that you didn't earn. If his earlier showing was anything to go by, the cretin knew that when faced with an actually experienced trainer, his true weakness would so. Thus, he left to save face."[/color] As Jaden spoke, the anger slowly started to rise once more, thoughts of that maniac and what he did to that poor girl acting like fuel for his fiery wrath. [color=Ivory]"If you ask me, that Trainer should be stripped of his license and Pokemon for what he did. She conceded, the battle was over, and he kept going. You can't say it's a battle after that just because it's between Pokemon. It was assault, plain and simple, and it should be treated as such."[/color] At this point, Jaden turned his gaze on Seth, his blue eyes, simmering with his growing anger, meeting the younger boy's golden ones with an wild ferocity. "And as for you, Mr. Halen I believe it was, I must say that I disagree partially with your assessment of my behavior. It wasn't helping the situation, true, and I should've composed myself better. But I am nothing like that vile piece of scum, and will not stand the insult of being likened to such a shivering, spineless wretch who needs to bully and abuse others in order to feel strong and powerful." Despite the fire burning in his eyes and the harshness of his words, his voice never rose beyond a civil speaking volume, the cold tone of his noble bearing showing perfectly the level of disdain he held for trainer from before, as well as the tinge of outrage from being associated with such an individual. [color=Ivory]"He struck that girl because he wanted to hurt her, possibly even cripple or [i]kill[/i] her. I struck him because he not only deserved it for what he did, but because I knew that nobody else would. While it may not have been the smartest of actions, I'd much rather act upon injustice instead of setting back and allowing it to happen just because of what might happen to me otherwise. As the saying goes, 'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'"[/color] With his piece said, Jaden walked away from the veteran and the other trainer, eager to return to his room and take time to simply relax and de-stress. Unfortunately, the universe was not on his side so far this day. [color=Ivory]"Jacqueline . . . Where is Vix?"[/color] Jaden asked the Skorupi, who had stayed behind with Azzie when the incident broke out, his left eye twitching ever so slightly. [color=Orchid]"She ran off, back to the Trainer House it looks like."[/color] [color=Ivory][i]Calm yourself Jaden, untie the kn-NO! But the sword down, that's not how you untie the knot!?! Just breathe, okay, just brea-[/i][/color] Jaden's voice of reason and control faded out abruptly as Jaden felt something snap in his head. In fact, his head was pounding quite a bit, the pain doing very little to improve Jaden's mood as he stomped in the direction of the trainer house as if he were trying to crack the concrete with his feet. Before long, he arrived at the gathering that was happening in front of the building, and standing on the table with two strangers was Vix, yelling at the crowd about something. Jaden himself didn't care, as he was about to tell Vix off right then and there, but Azzie and Jacqueline, both having heard what their fellow pokemon was talking about, stepped in front of Jaden. "Master, you shouldn't go up right now, okay? Just calm down before you cause a scene." [color=Orchid]"Well, cause more of a scene anyway. You can yell at the Fox later, in the room, without totally embarrassing all of us, but some restraint is needed right now."[/color] Jaden remained quiet at first, but the pounding in his head made it hard to hold onto his anger as his momentum was halted. Taking a step back, Jaden settled for just standing by, hoping that Vix would take notice of him. His head clearing up slightly, he wondered what Vix had been yelling about earlier. He'd been so focused on finding her that when he did, he had essentially gone deaf to whatever she had been talking about. [i][color=Ivory]And . . . weren't those the people she was stalking not too long ago?[/color][i] [@Holy Solider] [@BlackPanther] [@Saltwater Thief] [@Feisty-Pants] [@Bright_Ops] [@Ashevelendar]