Aegis made a beeline for his last weapon as his javelin soared into empty air, the dory spear impaled in the earth. The creature bore down on him, its heavy footfalls and loping stride encouraging the young hero to even greater speed of his own, despite his armour. It was only two steps to the weapon, but the creature gained on him all the while, and as he yanked the weapon from the ground and span it clawed for him. Naturally, his spear shot out in a powerful thrust at the monster’s flank as his shield settled forward at such an angle to allow the weapon’s passage while protecting him. The collision of claw with his aspis was titanic, the momentum and bulk of the beast driving his entire body clockwise as he was threatened with being launched off his feet. Indeed, he did fall, the spear leaving his hand as he sought to plunge it into the creature’s flank for his trouble. Likely, it made purchase before it flew out of his grip, but it might have just been knocked clear by the rampaging beast. He rolled twice, his armour cushioning him from more than minor bruising, and naturally twisted up onto one knee, as the creature roared past him, getting his bearings as he shook himself. He was without spear, but he still had shield, and the creature seemed to lack the ability to quickly adjust in its stride beyond its frontal charge, so the likelihood of it cancelling out its momentum and turning to him immediately was not great. Instead, it would probably turn wide and then plough towards him again, presuming his spear was not lodged in its heart. After gaining his bearings, and accounting for the beast and what it chose to do, the hero of Epirus would make his decision. Go for the spear, wherever it may be, or draw his sword. Now he was grinning for real, but there was fear in that youthful face as well.