[hider=Farxus the Demi-God] Level: 4 [b]Name: [/b]Farxus [b]Alias:[/b] None. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Domain (Portfolio):[/b] Death (Undeath) [b]Domain (Portfolio) Description:[/b] All things that have a beginning must in turn come to an end as well. From a tiny seed grows a sapling that grows into a mighty oak that reaches into the sky, dropping more seeds around it and giving birth to a forest... but in the fullness of time it will start to decay and break down, freeing up new positions for young trees to grow while providing them with the rich soil they need. Be it a nation, a way of thinking or even just a mortal animal, all things will stagnate, decay and make way for something new to come fill the void. However while Death might be a certainty, what happens afterwards can get... complicated. There are those who perish that for reasons that change from person to person who simply cannot let go of the mortal world and pass on. Many are bound to the world because they simply could not find peace within themselves, others with issues that they refuse to leave unresolved or duties that even death won't stop them from filling. Some are trapped in the living world by the actions of others, unable to pass on due to curse or spell. Almost all are considered damned souls by the living. ...Someone has to be in their corner. [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good (Well... tries to be anyway). [b]Personality:[/b] Faxrus is something of a neutral, fickle god a lot of the time. Most of the time he feels nothing but a void inside of him that eats away at any emotion good or bad that he might feel; This doesn't mean that he is emotionless through, far from it. In order for one or more of his emotions to properly register, it has to come on strong and fast before it starts to fade away. Those who interact with him can find him to be... strange at times, but usually with good intentions. He is a fan of the living, but has difficulty talking to them due to the way in which he views the world somewhat... off compared to the standard mortal (and the fact that most living people are terrified of him to begin with doesn't help), so he is rather content to simply be on his own while doing his own things. By default he tends to stand on the side of the 'Damned', be they undead or simply condemned by the world around them for one or another. While he has the knowledge and know how to bring those who have departed from the living back in undeath, Faxrus rarely does this and will only do it when that is the only means in which one of his willing charges can find peace. Those who [i]forcefully[/i] rise and enslave the dead tend to find themselves to be the victims of Faxrus's wrath. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/2e/32/662e327ddc9e9b35b2756cd2ee628085.jpg[/img] To date, Faxrus only has the one form. This isn't because he can't take other forms, but simply because he likes this one and fails to see why he needs to change it. [b]Musical Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da_qvIFx5UA[/youtube] [b]Description: [/b] With the death of the God of Death Reathos, a power vacuum was left behind that demanded to be filled. The energy of the Domain of Death itself spread out and started to pool in different places, seeking to create and anchor itself to a new deity. In the end, this process created Faxrus. Most mortals are instinctively afraid of him; his status and powers as a Demi God of death with some connection to the undead is more than enough for many to create horror stories or flee from him on sight. However, those mortals few who actually talk to him or follow his actions will surprisingly find that he is surprisingly benevolent and will happily help someone out who needs it. He also seems to have a soft spot for cats for some reason. To the undead, he is largely the friend and spiritual guide of those who for one reason or another don't wish to let go of the world even through they have died. Those who are trapped in the living world due to distress or anger, he will help bring peace of mind to. Those with unfinished business he will help to accomplish it. Those who have effectively become monsters, he will help come to terms with their new situation. Those who are stuck there due to the actions of others, he will act on their behalf to get them into the afterlife and quickly and peacefully as possible (The ones who did it to them, not so much). Concealment Level: 4 Detection Level: 4 [/hider] [hider=Creations] [hider=Artifacts] [hider=The Tome of the Forsaken] Originally one of Lazarus's boxes, Farxus poured enough of his essence into it that it changed form and took on a new function. The Tome of the Forsaken is a simple tome with a black cover that seems to be made from a substance unknown to the rest of creation with a lock clasp in order to keep it closed when it is not being read. While it doesn't appear to be a large tome, flipping it open will revel that it seems to contain a near endless number of pages; It constantly updates itself, removing pages when the matter in question is settled and adding more when new cases arise. The contents of each page is written in Sesh'Areit, ensuring that only those with the knowledge of Sesh'Areit can read it. On each page of the Tome of the Forsaken is the information about a cursed soul that has been forsaken by the powers that be; While primarily those in the book are undead, anyone who has suffered from some form of cursed existence can end up in the tome (Though it is more likely to happen if the person in question is unable to die naturally). Each page revels the information about who the person used to be, the manner of curse that is laid upon them, what they are like now, where they currently are and if they are still self aware enough for thought what they are praying for. The tome will even offer suggestions on how best to help the individual in question. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]