[@Raijinslayer][@Feisty-Pants][all the peeps] [color=yellow] Pikachu Location: with Jaden [/color] [hr] Pikachu watched everything unfurl. From prepping himself to use tail whip to everything being done. He could feel Jadens anger rolling off in waves and felt himself in a different situation then what he was used to. He shook his head and nodded to the senior trainer in a form of thanks. Though now he focused his attention on the other trainers. He had heard a pokedex go off earlier and that made him far more worried especially since he wasn't registered with Jaden nor had Jaden even said anything about being his trainer....he was busy true but he did not want to be caught by someone he did not know. He turned to see Jaden leaving and followed after him. He felt quite invisible which usually would be okay but right now the world was swaying from his poor diet. When Jaden stopped he stopped beside him. [color=yellow]"you know....anger can be a dangerous emotion"[/color] it seemed like he was going to say more but he looked down. A look passing through his eyes. Though for him he was really not doing well. Be swayed somewhat before falling. As he fell he became his pokemon form once more and landed to the side. The meant the small yellow fluff was now passed out and his unconscious self was leaned against Jadens leg.