Aki was running he missed the bus for the camp and had no way of getting there without running. He knew basically where it was so he should be fine. he had been running to the camp for a while he didn't had enough money to fly to the camp area so he had to find other ways the main was getting rides from random people but now he was int the general area and didn't want to use a random stranger in fear of what they'd say once they got to the camp. He soon arrived at the camp gate. he didn't know where to head though. so Aki being the way he was he just decided to explore the camp until he found someone. he was amazed at the camp it looked like any old camp ground with cabins. he soon came across a group of people around a fire pit. Aki then approached the group with his bag over his shoulder. [color=add8e6]"Hi i just got here can tell me where i might be able find the camp counselors?"[/color] He didn't ask anyone in particular i just asked the whole group since any of them may know where to look.