Forceless Easy Sheet for now. Name: Arnack Clarn [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] History: Arnack was born on Kashyyyk to one of the many families hiding from the impending war. His family were killed during the Battle of Kashyyyk leaving him with no friends or family on a world full of trees. he left on the first ship out and soon signed up for the Republic Military and in a few short years found himself in command of his own unit. A seemingly innate talent for battle tactics and great skill in hand to hand combat, gave him a chance to excel far beyond the ordinary rank and file. He was chosen to be part of a new initiative to end the force-users for good, remove the dark stain hidden in the shadows of the galaxy. The Republic funded his Echani training and gave him a rare weapon, a Cortosis weave staff. He was sent on many missions mostly just seeking out force-senstive children and ending their existence. The few times he fought a true force user he managed to defeat them, although he felt as though there were yet bigger fish to fry, the Republic praised him and sent him back out on another mission, where he fought a true sith, somehow he knew it was for real. The Sith fought well and injured Arnack in many times never quite managing to score a killing blow. Arnack bloodied and beaten disarmed the sith and defeated him, knocking the man off a ledge into a skycar down below. The sith’s apprentice arrived and Arnack fled knowing he couldn't manage another fight in his state, he found a ship with a med bay and met Alisha. A few months on he has fully recovered although the Republic believes he is dead. All the better to get things done his own way without all the bureaucrats and red tape. Physical Traits: Cortosis Staff Proficiency 3 Hand to Hand Proficiency 3 Echani Trained Blaster Proficiency Force Sensitive Armour Proficiency 10 Tech Traits: JetPack Proficiency 2 Personal Shield Proficiency Tracker Holodecoy Use Podracing Connoisseur 6 Lieutenant Name: Alisha De’madre [hider=Lieutenant Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Lieutenant History: Alisha is an excellent pilot and smuggler, Arnack acquired her services on Nar Shaddar when he was investigating suspected Force-User activity for the Republic. Before that she was travelling far and wide dealing in anything from stolen ship parts to blasters and other weaponry. She has had to get herself through some tight spots in the past and knows her way around a blaster. She prefers a scattergun when she can get her hands on one. Blaster Proficiency 1 Piloting Proficiency 2 Special Weapons Proficiency 2 Tech Skills and Proficiencies Smuggler Know-wats 2 Cloak Belt Proficiency Ship Name: Silent Void [hider=Ship Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] General Components: 2 Shield Generator s (6) Armour (2) HyperDrive (3) Weapons: [Quad Mount Turret (3) 2 Laser Cannons (2) 2 Ion Cannons (4)] Concussion Missile Launcher (2) Light Turbolaser (8) Storage Components: Cargo Hold (S-75 Metric Tons) (3) Special Systems: Nightshadow Hull Coating (10) 4 WhisperThrust Engine (20) Support Generator (2) Advanced Sensor Array (10) Light Med Bay (5) False Transponder Generator (20)