[hider=VG] Name: Volas J. Gresis Age: 25 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/f00b/th/pre/f/2015/168/0/a/dr__cipherous___arcane_steampunk_plague_doctor_by_twohornsunited-d8xmv1m.jpg[/img] Just a little note, he does have the Parliament tattoo. [/hider] Backstory: Volas was born into one of the more wealthy districts. He was once apart of the Parliament but is now apart of the Rebels. (Or it could be the other way around. Who knows?) Not much else can really be said for his backstory for now. (The backstory will be updated with things that are revealed.) Weapons: Two flintlocks and a sword cane. Personality: At first, Volas seems to be a mute. However, if someone keeps talking to him and he'll eventually start talking, revealing a man who delves straight into near sociopath territory and dark humor. He can be rather manipulative if it suits his goals. All of that considered, he can be genuinely friendly if around people he knows. Other Info: Volas will tell stories with gestures if asked. (Or stories in general.) [/hider]