[@BrokenPromise] [quote=BrokenPromise] Of course not. But this is simply an example without leaving this forum. I think we already covered that i'm not trying to change anyone's mind. [/quote] Pretty much, and neither am I. [quote=BrokenPromise] Thank you for the read about "groundwork." I know that probably took some time to type out. [/quote] No problem at all. I've been considering writing up a much more elaborate version eventually (I mentioned that in a previous post here) due to believing that many role-players don't have these concepts established very well. They've honestly always just been common sense to me, even at the beginning of my role-playing career. [quote=BrokenPromise] Unfortunately, my monk VS sausage fight actually didn't deviate from your groundwork bible very much. The only offense was that it was never explicitly said what the sausage's entire list of fighting moves entailed. Truth be told though, it must have been balanced fairly well. I mean, I "did" win. But I only won because I attempted to harm his girlfriend, something he brought in mostly for flavor. Quite a few spectators were like "just so you know, you're the bad guy in this fight." The guy I was battling was a pretty good sport about it. It should be noted he never asked me to duel again though, haha! [/quote] [s]How the fuck does a giant sausage have a girlfriend...?[/s] Depending on the match-up in question, the detail that your opponent missed out leaves a lot of openings for 'god-moding' and out of character behaviour, so I can't say I'm entirely happy to hear that, but I've had battles in the past where I didn't list every single ability simply because the entire [i]purpose[/i] of the duel was to be an experimental ground for me to come up with move lists. With that said, him having a girlfriend [s](no, [/s][i][s]seriously[/s][/i][s]... how the fuck does a giant sausage have a girlfriend...?)[/s] actually served as a good weakness to counterbalance his arguably unbalanced skill list, which is another reason why I believe establishing the character's personality and intelligence level is important for duels, not just for non-battle role-play. [quote=BrokenPromise] All other remaining points I'm either in agreement with or agree to disagree, so I think I'm done here. I'm glad this was how things ended between us. [/quote] I feel the same, honestly -- the only time we'd ever have a need to go into the elements we disagree on is if more people actually wanted to try to branch between the two styles of role-playing, but since this is all mostly a matter of preferences for what people want out of their writing I don't see the need to go into it currently.