[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MQfStCo.png[/img] [sub][B][URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if_vESQKioM]T H E M E[/URL][/B][/sub][/center] [hr][hr][b] [color=black]P R E M I S E[/color][/b][hr][hr] [color=gray][indent]This will likely be my most disorganized interest check I’ve ever made, so bear with me. Now, for those involved I apologize for the precedent this sets because it is something I never found myself doing— creating a RP of similar concept after declaring interest and commitment to another one. I’ve always felt it discourteous and rude, but I’m not doing this out of selfishness or petty vanity. But going beyond that I'd like to formally get on with explaining the prospect of this interest check and past this sort of disclaimer. Pariah (or Pariah Online) is a semi-linear collaborative story based around the concepts of anime serials like [i][b]Log Horizon[/b][/i], [i][b]Sword Art Online[/b][/i], [b][i]Overlord[/i][/b], [i][b]Familia Myth[/b][/i], and the grandfather of the “trapped in a game” framework, [i][b].hack//SIGN[/b][/i]. You’ll notice there is only one real outlier in these influences in that of my mention of Familia Myth, which I’ll admit has more to do with me liking how that particular serial looks at things like guilds, dungeons, and progression in an interestingly designed way. Anyway, as you can imagine the central idea of this roleplay is the whole “trapped in a game” plot device and the hurdles that comes with it. But as with inspired settings, this is wholly original— this is not set in any fandom and is not an amalgamation of them. Creating a roleplay like this without it being .hack//SIGN-lite is a challenge in itself, so really it comes to what you (as an author) want to do that works within that framework yet is still significantly fresh and different. Ultimately I decided upon the idea where the game isn’t centered on the same virtual reality peripherals that are often seen in these concepts and more upon the concept of dreams and the human consciousness. But how does this really effect the roleplay? Is it really that important in the long term of things? Will it play into the roleplay at large or is it just well-designed fluff? Maybe. I know that’s not the most assuring answer, but I’ve always thought that the niche details were still important— or at least so in their own way. In the current state of the RP, I’ve got a lot of notes and ideas coming to me— so a lot of this will be discussion, compromise, and so forth going forward. As such I will need help in managing the ideals of the RP which I will probably elect two people who I think can help me do that job best, but that’s a conversation for private as I want a lot of this to focus on the RP. But I suppose everyone has questions about classes, levels, and so forth. But “Pariah is not a game. It’s a whole new reality.” as I have slyly coined through the perspective of the ambiguous inventor of this dreamscape-esque sort of technology that allows this augmented reality to exist. Anyway, the next section will have a constantly updating source of information on my current ideas from my scattered notes. What I want for you guys to discuss things with me as we get this more and more concise and plot-ready.[/indent][/color]