The high pitched shrill of a girl caught Shadow's attention and he looked towards the growing crowd across the street from the alley he had taken refuge in. Standing slowly, he managed to see the four-armed Pokemon rip the bunny from her trainer's arms, his face curling into a slight scowl. That scowl quickly became a snarl as the small girl was mercilessly beaten down with excessive force, the steel-ghost moving closer with heavy steps until he spotted Jaden step forward and punch the other trainer straight across the face. He slowed his pace as the situation continued on, another boy stepping forward to berate them both. It finally came to an end as two more trainers stepped into the fight, calling out powerful Pokemon. The fight was diffused fairly quickly, the two rookie Trainers with pokemon out of their league disappearing quickly, but his eyes lingered on the Veteran Trainer and her Dragonite. He smiled a little at the sister-like bond between them, before his heart became heavy and he turned away. He began walking without a defined destination when he passed by Jaden, Vix and the red-haired boy that had intervened. Jaden said his piece, filled with his usual blinding idealism and went on his way while Vix was evidently sit nonplussed by having her attacks blocked by [i]clothing[/i] of all things. As she lit a small Ember on his jacket and scurried off, Shadow rolled his eyes a little at her immaturity before he stepped over and grabbed the trainer's sleeve. He had up to this point avoided the attention of most people, a skill accredited to his ghost side, but he didn't want to see someone get hurt because a certain bratty little fox couldn't hold off on her temper tantrums. He spoke as he usually does, short and to the point. [color=skyblue]"Your jacket's on fire."[/color] [@Saltwater Thief]