[quote=@NarcissisticPotato]And will jobs and professions be as important as fighting skills in the skill trees?[/quote] As requested, I will answer this here. Yes— oh my god, one-hundred percent yes. With the system of benchmarks, achievements, attributes, and threat assessment this is a big thing to consider. If you have the experience put in to being an herbalist, you will have knowledge that someone who focused entirely on combat doesn’t have. “What does this herb do?” becomes a larger more important question when someone with the appropriate benchmarks into that field is the only person in the group to answer if that is poisonous leaves or healing herbs. An “Alchemist” as a role is a very important one, and this is just my train of thought of many many examples. Understand that with no visual statistic boxes, professions much like research become very vital to survival. As a group I’m sure we can brainstorm this much more in-depth.