[@Lasrever] Heya-- I'm working on adding Zoe to the roster right now. I was actually having to increase the size of the image to make it fit with all the other pictures like I wanted, but I wasn't very pleased with how blurry it got. (I had to do the same thing with Lawrence's picture, but the style of art was forgiving and I didn't have to increase the size by much). So to remedy the problem, I did a reverse search and found a slightly larger image. I'm gonna use that and scale it down. The point of my mostly-pointless spiel is this: I dunno if you deliberately found and resized her picture to be as small as it is, but if you want one that's a wee bit bigger, feel free to help yourself to this one I found: http://i65.tinypic.com/rlz4tw.jpg If not, I don't care. Up to you. Don't feel inclined. ^_^;;