[hider=Flashover]Img [hider=Flashover Armor][URL=http://s1081.photobucket.com/user/moom241/media/the%20sunderer_zpsbgny6ey6.png.html][IMG]http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j358/moom241/the%20sunderer_zpsbgny6ey6.png[/IMG][/URL] (Ignore the shells on the shoulder) Inside the armor, he appears to be about seven feet tall. Outside the armor, Michael Marley stands at 5'9", with short brown hair, green eyes, and a clean shaven face.[/hider] [center][b]"You're gonna make it outta here. We're gonna be fine."[/b][/center] Name: Michael Marley Alias: Flashover Age: 22 Nationality: American Occupation: Firefighter Team: Mercy Abilities: Flashover's skill set relies heavily on the defense of allies, and neutralizing of enemy damage. Neutral Ability: Wide frame - Mike Marley's armor is built mainly for the protection of others, therefore it is capable of withstanding a great deal of punishment, and even attacks that would pierce through others are stymied by the protective armor. Weapon Ability: Fire suppressors - A pair of heavy duty fire-hoses attached to the Flashover suit's arms, with a compressed liquid storage tank attached to the suit. While they are not particularly lethal, they have enough force to knock an unbraced opponent to the ground, or keep heavier opponents at bay. Special Ability 1: Forcible Entry - The Flashover suit is designed for sudden, forceful entry of hostile situations, even through doors or windows. With armor plates raised in a protective barrier that serves as a perfect battering ram, this ability allows Flashover to dash forward toward an ally taking damage, and interpose himself between the ally and the source of damage. During, and for three seconds after performing this ability, Flashover receives less damage as he positions his hardened armor to block attacks. Special Ability 2: Fire Grenade - Despite its destructive name, the fire grenade is actually another defensive tool in Flashover's arsenal. Using his powered armor to hurl the small device with great precision and accuracy, Flashover deploys the grenade, which after a few seconds, releases a heavy, fire-suppressant gas that fills the air. This gas also serves excellent for obscuring vision, covering escapes, sudden assaults, and even interfering with enemy optics. Ultimate Ability: Washout - With a sudden hiss, Flashover can expel the entire contents of his auxiliary compressed liquid tanks, creating a localized tsunami, covering a wide area around him. This flood stuns opponents if they're hit by it, and it lingers for several seconds, slowing any who walk through it. Biography: Michael Marley was always meant to help others. From youth his dreams were to enter the fire service, and to save others. Straight out of high school he began as a volunteer firefighter in the city of Chicago, and quickly distinguished himself as a skilled and responsive firefighter. Michael was quickly on his way to a successful career. Jumping at the chance to do even more to help, Michael volunteered to use the newly introduced Flashover Fire Suppression Suit. Utilizing the high-tech suit, Michael was able to perform his duties like never before. He relished both the challenge that came with mastering the armor, and the responsibility to lead the charge when it came to life-saving measures. However, life was not perfect. As the CFD stepped up its efforts to protect citizens, terrorist attacks across the nation increased. Michael felt he wasn't doing enough, so when the reformed Overwatch created its new Deltawatch division, Michael joined as soon as could, taking with him the suit of armor gifted from the CFD. With more a focus on rescuing others, and less about combat prowess, Michael naturally gravitated towards the tutelage and leadership of Angela Ziegler. Mercy. Personality: Michael is all about helping people. His main concern is making sure everyone's okay, and everyone's happy. He is often willing to take pains to do favors for others, even at his own expense. Still, his a friendly, jovial sort, and very kindhearted. Extra/Theme: While willing to defend himself and others, Michael prefers to avoid utilizing direct, lethal force. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMskSnRvWTw]The Cheesiest of Themes[/url][/hider] [hider=Cosmetics] [Hider=Skins][center][b]Rare:[/b][/center] [center][color=0072bc]Aquatic[/color] Changes Flashover's armor to a deep blue color, with lighter blue details. [color=saddlebrown]Sedimentary[/color] Changes Flashover's armor to an earthy brown, with grey details. [color=orangered]Incendiary[/color] Changes Flashover's armor to a fiery orange, with red details. [color=007236]Herbacious[/color] Changes Flashover's armor to a leafy green, with brown details.[/center] [center][b]Epic[/b] [color=red]Engine[/color] Changes Flashover's armor to a bright, vibrant red. Emblazoned on his chestplate in bold white lettering are the letters [b]CFD[/b]. [color=fff200]Tender[/color] Changes Flashover's armor to a bright, vibrant yellow. Emblazoned on his chestplate in bold red lettering are the letters [b]NYFD[/b][/center] [center][b]Legendary[/b] [color=lime]Big Mikey[/color] Michael dons a specialized deep sea diving suit, with a rounded helmet, that has eight small portholes from which a soft green light eminates. The suit is a sea-slicked leather, worn and green with years of sea exposure. A rusty drill hangs from his back. [color=ed1c24]Beyond the Sea[/color] Michael dons a specialized deep sea diving suit, with a rounded helmet, that has eight small portholes from which a soft red light eminates. The suit is brand new, freshly painted with black and red. A shining lance hangs from his back.[/center][/hider] [hider=Emotes][center][b]Heroic[/b] Flashover rolls his shoulders and puffs out his chest, grunting softly as he relieves the tension.[/center] [center][b]Flashers[/b] Flashover produces a remote, and flicks a button on it. His helmet starts flashing red and white while producing a siren. [b]Wide Coverage[/b] Flashover swings an arm over his head, spraying a fine mist, and producing a rainbow. He chuckles as it dissipates. [b]Come at Me![/b] Flashover stomps into a defensive stance, planting his feet. He holds his arms up, in a form similar to a boxer. He calls out using one of three phrases: "Come on!" "Let's go!" "Bring it!"[/center][/hider] [hider=Highlight Intros] [center][b]Heroic[/b][/center][center]Flashover stands proudly, rolling his shoulders after a moment. [b]Assail[/b] With a roar, Flashover dashes forward, arms upraised defensively, freezing on his visor peering over clenched fists. [b]Splashover[/b] Flashover sprays high pressure water at the camera for a second, before pull his arms back to unleash his Washout ability, sweeping the camera away in a torrent of water.[/center][/hider][/hider]