[@Alupi] My suggestion: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJyfUsEMMvw]Sway[/url] [hr] [@Holy Grail] 1. 1 post per week minimum. If your life is crazy, 1 post every two weeks. If you're in the military and the like, we can work out a different solution to handling your character while you're away. Either sideline them or puppet them. Or hand them to another player you trust, etc. 2. At the very, very latest, it will start this Friday. I want to start this Tuesday or Wednesday. We'll see if everything comes together as well as I'm hoping. You don't have to post immediately on the opening IC post, but if too much time goes by without a response, I'll simply shove your character aside for some extra guard checking so we can move on and then you can catch up your character somehow later. 3. Go ahead and skim through character sheets for the powers, but my personal opinion on OP so far? (Everyone's progression paths are secrets to each player for now, so I won't make any comment on future OP powers.) Check Kusari (Piercing Light's character). 4. This RP depends heavily on player communication as I'm allowing a high tier of powers into the mix, which means I expect players to play them appropriately. Manipulators and the like [i]must[/i] communicate OOC for power effects and the other person should be understanding and on board with the proposal in the interest of fun as long as it's nothing too ridiculous or completely unnecessary and petty (though there are a few scenarios where even I would clear a ridiculous request if it gives the overall group better survival chances). Anything else I can answer, but at the moment things are a little hectic behind the scenes so responses might take a while. I will, however always get back to you if you mention me in a post that I need to respond to. Likewise for the co-GMs.