Now that most of his teammate had arrived at the dining table, Travis went and took his seat and claimed a few pieces of toast to add to his plate before digging in. A soon as Felix commented with his positive opinion on their meal, Travis resonated his own remark towards Nemo and Raiya, "This is very excellent indeed My compliments to the fine chefs." Before long, Felix made his anticipated announcement. Travis already knew most of the details since he had worked with the Arch Magi earlier and already determined the difficulties locating their next Paragon. Listening further in on the announcements, it appeared that there will be some considerable wait time until they had a sure fix on following Paragon. It was slightly disappointing not having another relic to adventure out to retrieve but there were plenty of other activities to participate such as his project with containing the Paragons and a slew of other possible spells to develop after their previous trip. Once Felix had ended his declaration, Travis openly made his report but directed it towards his employer, "I've so far compiled a few rough ideas on how we may contain the Paragons...if you would like to go over them after breakfast of course."