PROLOGUE [hider=Entry log 002x] Entry log 002x It has been one week since the start of the semester at Kichijoji academy. While not the first choice it has proved itself somewhat decent all things considered. It's population was certainly different than what was experienced at Tokiwadai. Though so far it has proven to be somewhat pleasurable. Getting used to a coed school after attending a pure female middle school will take some time. Entry log 002X end. [/hider] With that finished Kaguya took the phone away from her mouth and placed it once more in her pocket. The entry logs was a series of vocal diaries she started since her first year in Tokiwadai they contained not only her personal experience but her notes on some things as well. Walking up the stairs from the subways she looked out and saw the school in the distance. The school itself was nothing special in terms of appearance. Still despite its appearance it was unique in some other facts it was considered one of the more elite academies in academy city for example. Despite the fact it was a fairly recent school it quickly rose to be one of the more elite schools out there. Silently taking a memo of the assembly that was to be held later on. Also notifying students that they had some time before they should be heading towards the assembly hall. Outside Kichijoji Yuki Sighed as he stood outside the entrance to the school he had been the lucky(unlucky) teacher to be assigned the honor(chore) of standing outside and informing the incoming students of a impromptu meeting of minds for the morning hours. This meant that while students had some free time while they prepared for the assembly that would be happening. With a sigh Yuki stood in his pinstripe suit a small slouch in his shoulders as his matching hat was lowered over his eyes. With nary a word he handed each student the memo without fail. "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan this suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks." He bemoaned to himself out loud as he once more handed a flyer to the student. Prologue Done. SEGMENT: Free Roam Date: August 25th, 20XX Time: Morning; ~7:00 AM Location: Kichijoji Academy; Academy Entrance