[b]ハットちゃん "Hat-chan"[/b] The teenaged girl known only to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan" held the flier up above her face, golden eyes enigmatically watching the sun's rays filter through the flimsy mass of paper. It was, for all intents and purposes, no different from any common flier one could acquisition from political activists on busy sidewalks, albeit rather than promoting attendance for some sort of rally, its goal was to alert the students of Kichijoji to the presence of an assembly later that day. Quite a particular method of doing so, in fact. Yet admittedly a pity. One would expect an idiosyncratic nature to the paper to accompany the idiosyncratic information delivery. Nothing of the sort, unfortunately, ebbed from the paper in her hands. She shifted back into a sitting position, immediately pocketing the flier into her skirt. Lying on the bench had been a rather nice way to soak in the warmth of the ball of nuclear fusion that their little blue planet orbited, but to be perfectly honest, the hard wooden planks had actually started to hurt her back. Messing up her uniform at school wasn't a very good idea either, especially if a teacher took offense and decided to cast her into the depths of the darkness that were the classrooms were detentions were hosted. She was definitely going to have to avoid that, no matter what! Her left hand, pale and small, daintily reached up to adjust the position of her headwear. She breathed in, allowing the fresh air to cycle through her lungs. Another day of school had begun.