Volas frowned at the replies of both the governor and what he assumed to be the captain. It truly hurt him that the governor thought he was a deserter when Enforcers have been looted in the past. As for the captain? It was more hurtful for assuming he was an idiot. He knew for a fact that they wouldn't spare him, experience from the past has taught him that better than anything else. If it wasn't for the fact that one of his allies was in the building, he'd probably have blocked the entrance and burned it down. Then again, he probably still would do that either way if he had a way to torch the warehouse and time to block ways out. He glanced at the entrance as he reloaded the flintlock he had out already and took a quick look around before slowly backing away from the door, keeping himself in the shadows so they would have an even harder time finding him if they hadn't already.