[u][b][color=a187be]Shinjiro Karasawa[/color][/b][/u] [color=a187be][i]"-They really needed a flyer for this?-"[/i][/color] groused one of Kichijoji's rougher voices from the midst of a crowd, drawing a few looks. Not exactly because of his hair or eye color, despite what you might think at first. Turns out, weird hair colors were a dime a dozen here and Academy City, and the nutrition of Japan as a whole had by now improved to the point where even clocking in at 5'10" made him only a bit tall compared to most people, so it wasn't that either. It was definitely the voice. The English-speaking voice. Credit where it's due to Academy City's educational standards— this wasn't entirely unheard of there either. Plenty of High Schoolers had an admirable grasp on the language. But this was truly fluent English. Complete with a gruff, rhotic New York accent. The young man owning it was never the earliest of risers, but by the time you'd gotten into High School here in Academy City, you learned that you just had to cope with it. As such, despite his somewhat grumpy demeanor, the grape-haired esper playing our hero for today was in fact, awake and alert. Because seriously, after the first time he'd dozed off in class in junior high, the ball-busting that followed would drive any man to suck it up and work coffee into his schedule. Speaking of coffee, a certain someone's shift was apparently switched up, because his usual order had taken a good five extra minutes to explain to the new chick behind the counter. It's a coffee order, lady, seriously; [i]not[/i] rocket science. Passing through the school gates, he dismissively shoved the flyer into his pocket as he managed to draw up alongside the someone in question, having just gotten off one of the nearby benches on campus. Like flipping a switch, his perfect-yet-accented English turned into rough, casual Japanese. [color=a187be]"Yo, Hat-chan. Shift changed, eh?"[/color] he said, taking a very pointed sip of his coffee. Or maybe she'd just quit. Hat-chan was like a short blonde dynamo when it came to managing to work what seemed like every single odd job available in District 12. Wherever a guy goes, she always manages to pop up. But there weren't enough hours in the day for her to [i]keep[/i] all of those jobs, that was simple fact. So either were plausible.