[hider=The Delinquent]Hero Name: Berserker Real Name: Sophia Dahl Look: Transgressing, White, Laughing Eyes, Casual Clothing, Cheap Costume Abilities: Power Negation, Psychic Weapons Labels: -Freak +1 -Danger 0 -Savior -1 -Superior +2 -Mundane +1 Backstory • How did you get your powers? "I don't really know. I guess I just get mad a lot. Maybe it's the whole 'born in a secret moon base on the opposite side of the moon' thing? Don't care. Doesn't matter, does it? I'm not gonna fail your test now, am I? I studied so hard! What's a princess to do?! I lied about exactly one thing in my answer. Not saying what." • What do you do for fun? "Punch people. Read books. Play games. Normal people stuff. What kind of question is that? Who writes these books?" • Who, outside the team, thinks better of you than you do? "Probably Ermine. Does she count? She's kinda on the team, but not really. Maybe my mom?" • Why do you try to be a hero? "I don't. Don't ever call me a hero. I'm just an everyday girl who just happens to be able to make other people into everyday people...and have weapons that I don't have to carry around." • Why do you care about the team? "They're important to the plot. But really, maybe, eventually I'll get laid, right? As cool as I am, I- wait, I mean...all the time. I'm, you know, like a whore or something? No, that doesn't sound good either. But I don't want to sound like a prude. Look, if you can keep a secret, which I'm sure you can't, I haven't yet. But I want to. Oh. You want an actual answer? Sure. I'm great. Umm...but why do I care about the team? Because they're as cool as I am? Some of them, anyway...cool enough." Relationships You keep trying to impress _________________ with your antics. You and ________________ pulled an awesome (if illegal) stunt together. Influence You care way more than you let on. Give three teammates Influence over you. Moves ❑ Criminal mind: When you assess the situation, you can always ask one of the following questions, even on a miss: - what here is useful or valuable to me? - how could I best infuriate or provoke _______? - what’s the best way in/way past? ❑ Mary Contrary: When someone tries to pierce your mask, comfort or support you, or provoke you, you can interfere. Roll + Superior. On a hit, they take a -2 on their roll. On a 10+, you also take Influence over them or clear a condition. On a miss, they get a 10+ no matter what they rolled and you mark a condition of their choice. ❑ Team? What team?: When you use Team selfishly, clear a condition or mark potential. The first time in a session that you use Team to help a teammate, take +1 forward. POTENTIAL >> ■ >> ❑ >> ❑ >> ❑ >> ❑ Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential. Advancement When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below. ❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Take another move from your playbook ❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Take a move from another playbook ❑ Someone permanently loses Influence over you; add +1 to a Label ❑ Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label ❑ Unlock your Moment of Truth ❑ Add +1 to any two Labels When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below. ❑ Unlock your Moment of Truth after you’ve used it once ❑ Change playbooks ❑ Take an adult move ❑ Take an adult move ❑ Lock a Label, and add +1 to a Label of your choice ❑ Retire from the life or become a paragon of the city Moment of Truth This is when you show them what you really are. Whether you’re the hero underneath the rebel facade...or the one who can make the hard choices heroes can’t make. You do whatever it takes to show that truth, whether it’s saving the day from a terrible villain or stopping a bad guy once and for all. Of course, once you’ve shown what you really are, there’s no going back to playing the clown...[/hider] will enjoy that eyeful. May comment on fanservice.