[hider=Bell Diaz] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Isabella "Bell" Diaz [b]Alias:[/b] N/A [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://65.media.tumblr.com/d5368925c703b2f90ef82c44991bc800/tumblr_ns7j0swlPR1rsmg7no1_500.jpg[/img] [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality:[/b] Bell is fairly relaxed and often lost in thought and hates to draw unwanted attention. When faced with conflict she would rather talk things out than resort to fighting, although, when talking is not an option she will do her best to get away. Bell tends to be a loner, not actively repelling people but also not going to any sort of length to make friends. However, if she was to gain a friend she would love and cherish them until they call her clinging and want nothing to do with her. She is relatively quiet and has trouble talking sometimes, with the ability to make a simple greeting very awkward. [b]History:[/b] Bell's father is a ranking officer in the United States military and travels around the world quite a bit, he was posted on to a military base in Japan. When Bell was tested for the capability of emitting AIM her father happily sent her off to Academy City. Bell always felt that her father needed a justification for her existence, she did as her father wanted testing into Academy City as a lvl 1. However, in less than a year she learned and improve and elevated to a lvl 3 esper. She hated the attention she gained and the hungry looking eyes from the scientist and the scorn of her peers, jealous of her quick success. Another year passed with the scientist keeping a close eye on Bell, consistently testing her hoping she would gain more power, however, it didn't seem like any growth was made and eventually dismissing her all together. [h2]Combat Info[/h2] [b]Ability:[/b] Telekinesis- Bell has the ability to move objects with her mind, being able to flip a car as well as emit pressure forcing object away from herself. Bell can also focus telekinetic force into a point and release as a powerful strike and her crushing power is quite markable. Additionally, she can levitate herself and “fly” at a fair speed for 20 minutes before needing to rest. She tends to use her high level of control, (having to move a single gain of sand from one cup to another for hours, days, weeks. damn scientist), she also uses her ability to draw her OCs, play instruments, origami, and other wasteful activities. Limits: Although Bell has shown great control over her telekinesis she's only effective at about a 15 foot radius (4 meters), passed that her influence is begins to lack dramatically and at 20' she has no influence at all. [h2]Other[/h2] [b]Relatives:[/b] Mother- Bell’s mother had formed a drug addiction when she was still young will her father was away. One morning Bell woke to find her home empty and a note on her mother’s dresser addressed to her father. Her mom had ditched her for a life free of a child, a husband who was gone most the time, and when was around was emotionally unavailable. Bell hasn’t heard from her mother ever since, she has more-or-less gotten over her crappy mom, barely even able to remember her. Father- Bell’s father is a ranking officer in the US military and is currently back home for a few months before being sent to god knows where. Her relationship with her dad is strained but she does love him and deep down, somewhere in his stoic heart, she knows he cares for her too. [b]Possessions: [/b] Bell owns a laptop, several books, sketch books, a bed, a few casual clothes, and stuffed bear that seats in the corner facing the wall… (it has a menacing look on its face) [b]Quirks/Hobbies/Miscellaneous Info:[/b] Bell enjoys drawing and playing her violin (at the same time using her abilities). Bell also likes to write fanfiction about her favorite heroes and post them under the name messbrain123 Bell is socially awkward and tends to make simple interactions with people a chore. Having a hard time slowing down her thoughts, she turned to alcohol to help her sleep. She hates to admit it but she has developed a bit of a problem. [b]Theme Song::[/b] Halsey - Gasoline [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu2PeIeGEfw[/url] [/hider] Edited.