[b]ハットちゃん "Hat-chan"[/b] "[color=3f00ff]Yes,[/color]" was the breezy reply that the teenaged girl known only to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan" gave to the boy she knew as Karasawa Shinjiro. The hat-garbed student followed the scent of freshly brewed coffee towards the boy's figure, her carefree golden eyes immediately centering upon his face like an aimbot on another player in a cheap Korean first-person shooter multiplayer game. "[color=3f00ff]I am in the midst of adjusting my schedule.[/color]" Her usage of archaic Japanese pronouns more commonly found amongst the samurai dramas that aired almost constantly on television was immediately quite evident from her manner of speech, as was her accent and (supposed) city of origin (Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture). It was a noticeable trait of hers, although she was perfectly capable of making use of the 'standard' Tokyo Japanese accent if the need arose; some places of employment preferred such, after all. "[color=3f00ff]Was it that you missed me, Kara-han?[/color]" she asked, smiling casually at her friend ([i]Could she consider him to be one yet? She would need to consult Youko further at a later date.[/i]).