[color=a187be][u][b]Shinjiro Karasawa[/b][/u][/color] That elicited a distinctly "Kara-han" reaction in the form of a wry snort. [color=a187be]"I certainly missed somebody who knew what to ring up for me, that's for sure."[/color] he fired back sarcastically, but with an equally casual air. Hat-chan was a chill girl, and someone who he'd run into so often whenever he went around town that he honestly felt like he'd known her longer than the couple weeks they'd shared as classmates. He could definitely appreciate her hard work, that was for damn sure. He had long given up on trying to shake anything but Kara-han as her way of referring to him. It was only fair, because he'd just stuck to calling her Hat-chan after five consecutive attempts to glean her name had been drowned out by random coincidence. Or, acts of fate. Whatever. Fuhgeddabout it. Whatever the explanation was, he'd gotten sick of it and she was fine with "Hat-chan". So it'd only be fair if he was fine with "Kara-han", between her getting the first two syllables through that Kansai accent she got whenever she was excited and all. Not that it explained why she talked like a Samurai, but nobody in this city didn't have some weird quirks. Onto another subject. [color=a187be]"You'd think they'd just have the teach announce the assembly or somethin'."[/color]