[@Tengri]Gamma is, admittedly, closer to an anti-hero in her execution if not attitude. Her conceot of right and wrong are quite skewed after her being trained as a killing machine. This mainly comes whewn she has to hold back or reign in her instincts, something she didn't have to do when she waa first being 'conditioned'. She's only a few steps away from being considered feral, and thus the team is supposed to help her acclimate into civilized society. She's acts like she's been treated, an Animal running off her instincts and the guidanve of her spirit. The spirit is what helps correct her more base urges(killing people for infringing on territory) while reinforcing others(severely injuring people who hurt her, and hunting bdown people who look like rabbits) She would be in greater control if she'd been around the team before, but now, not so much. [@Liliya]That's in reference to when they're a team. She doesn't stay in oneplace very often, nor does she attend school(it's been provven to be a bad idea). So, if they need her, or want to talk, they call her. I think you'll obly have to go through 15 before she gets around to keeping them. I plan on her being mostly normal by the end of 4 years, exveot for a few odd quirks like speakinbg in third person and a few other habits. I guess she's less a hero, more of a empowered person with the potential to be a hero. She'll evebtualky gain her own motivations for helping people, but for now, it's because of her spirit/friends and little else. Edit:Phones aren't that hard to get, especialky iuf they're really, really simple ones. You know, like the metro PCS kind, which I recommend if you want to avoid paying out the ass for replacements, as well as confusing her greatly with their intricacies. Also, I think another way to explain my idea is to imagine Net, but a lot less educated, before he got humanized, and with a voice in his head guving him a mix of good and bad advice.